Russian Hill Hair Transplant

Well before the Gold Rush of 1848, the San Francisco area was visited, quite frequently, by Russian merchant ships looking to trade with indigenous settlers. When the gold rush did occur, a small Russian cemetery was discovered atop one of the bay’s 44 hills. Thus, the neighborhood of Russian Hill took root. Today its population is over 13,000. The neighborhood is upscale, and home to a number of tourist attractions, such as the famously twisty Lombard Street, and the Hyde Street cable car line. To be sure, the area’s history is rich, and to judge by its many excellent schools, kid-friendly streets, and convivial atmosphere, its future is promising.

Now what, you may be thinking, does any of the above have to do with hair transplants? Allow us to go ahead and admit—not much. Except perhaps that part about the future, for at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration we are familiar with many state of the art techniques in hair regrowth for those afflicted with balding scalps. We have even pioneered a few of our own, such as the Celebrity Hair Transplant and the Power Hairline. Our patients from Russian Hill are not strangers to success. Indeed, one visit to the neighborhood they call home tells us as much. Nor is it ever surprising when they turn to our clinic for help.

Evading the Stereotypes

Patients from Russian Hill do not knock on our door with tags hanging about their necks. There are no “hipsters”, “yuppies”, or “techies”. A lot of them tell us they just like to sit down with some good food and some good people, and have a good time. So as you may ascertain, they make for pretty fun people to talk to in the chair—a chair they’ll be sitting in during surgery from 4 to 10 hours, depending on their level of hair loss, and the kind of treatment they need.

That may seem like a long time at first, but no one at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration sits down in the dark. Everything is explained during an initial consultation, which includes a physical exam, along with a microscopic evaluation of the scalp. Our two main methods for conducting a Russian Hill hair transplant are the follicular unit transplant—or strip surgery—technique, and the follicular unit extraction technique. For FUT, the hair is transplanted in groups from a donor area in back of the scalp. In FUE, the follicles are extracted individually from in back of the scalp or other suitable areas of the body.


How Far From Russian Hill Is Your Clinic?

We’re at 55 Francisco Street, Suite 705, in San Francisco. That is less than a mile from the serpentine switchback of Lombard Street; in fact, this street will pretty much connect your right to us, as it is a mere 3 minutes from the corner on down to our offices.

Should you decide to use Lombard to reach us (honest to goodness, it really is the quickest way from Russian Hill!), keep an eye out for the landmark home featured in Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo. From this area it is also just a short walk to other attractions, such as Chinatown, Fisherman’s Wharf, and North Beach. Nor is there any shortage of lodgings here, should you wish to extend your stay. Indeed, should you need assistance with locating accommodations, we are happy to oblige.

Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration is Russian Hill’s go-to place for courteous, professional hair transplant surgery. Since 2008 we have been reversing the effects of age, genetics, and other catalysts associated with hair loss. Most assuredly we can do the same for you. Get in touch with us today at (415) 997-6126.