Nazie – 5669 Grafts

A few years ago, I had a facial cosmetic procedure that became complicated and left me with significant scarring on my head. I lost hair on a large area of the frontal part of my scalp. I thought my life was over. I couldn't leave house without a hat or scarf and I was becoming more and more depressed. I could not live like that any more. It was time to make a change so, after doing a lot of research I contacted Dr. Mohebi. He was very honest and frank with me and didn't make any false promises. He said transplantation of hair into scar is different than healthy skin and we had to do some test hair transplant first. The test result was favorable and he was determined that I could undergo a hair transplant. The regrowth of my hair has increased my confidence and given me a future without the scars. I returned to school, got a good job and I couldn't be happier. Hair loss in women is not discussed as much as men but it is a real issue. I don't see why anyone would live with hair loss.
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