Changing the Game: Joe Buck’s Hair Journey

Joe Buck, the well-known sports broadcaster, has been open about his experiences with hair transplants, particularly his journey with Dr. Parsa Mohebi, a renowned hair restoration specialist. Joe has discussed how hair loss affected his confidence and professional image, prompting him to seek solutions. He underwent multiple hair transplant procedures, and his experience with Dr. Mohebi marked a significant part of his hair restoration journey.

Dr. Mohebi, known for his expertise in advanced hair restoration techniques, worked with Joe to achieve natural-looking results. Joe’s openness about his procedures has helped destigmatize hair transplants, encouraging others to consider similar solutions without feeling embarrassed.

Joe’s discussions often highlight the importance of choosing a qualified specialist and understanding the process and expectations of hair restoration. His story emphasizes that seeking help for hair loss is a personal decision aimed at improving self-confidence and overall well-being. The testimonial showcases his positive hair transplant experience with Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration, illustrating the transformative impact of professional hair restoration on his life and career.

Hey LeBron – What are You Trying to Comb?

It is not an insult to LeBron James to say he does not really have a full head of hair. There has been much speculation in the past about his hairline and whether or not the NBA superstar has undergone a hair transplant. The conversation about his hairline was renewed earlier this month when the Lakers superstar performed an odd action with his hair after a recent game.

LeBron James – NBA Fans React to Him Brushing His Hair

A recent postgame video of LeBron James caught the attention of the public when the video showed James brushing his hair during an interview after a recent game. The reason the video was so popular is that there are many sports fans who think James had gone bald in the past and had a hair transplant or that he should just go bald and not worry about trying to maintain his hair. While LeBron does have some hair on his head, a few of his fans feel there is not enough on his scalp to worry about leaving on his head.

Some of the online reactions included one fan saying LeBron’s scalp was going to start bleeding from the brushing while another person said he had hair like James and then went bald. This same person also suggested that James should go for the bald look as well. There were even some fans who were curious why James had not made the decision to go bald or to use part of his considerable wealth to get a hair transplant.

While LeBron can certainly afford a hair transplant, he has not admitted to the public whether or not he has undergone the surgery. Former NBA player Charles Barkley has also urged James to simply shave his head, but LeBron has not followed that advice.

LeBron James – Continuing Speculation About His Hairline

One of the most interesting things about LeBron James is that the conversation about his appearance goes far beyond his athletic skill and performance on the court. The changing look of his hairline has become an ongoing subject of speculation and gossip.

The speculation about a possible LeBron James hair transplant goes beyond NBA fans. The topic is one that is discussed by the general public, celebrity gossip websites, those who have undergone hair restoration surgery, and possible hair transplant patients who are considering having the procedure.

One of the reasons that some members of the public, and even some hair transplant specialists, believe he had a surgical procedure to restore his hair is because of what appears to be visible scars on the head of the basketball superstar.

In addition, the continuing curiosity about his hairline also includes people who are convinced he had a hair transplant thanks to photos of LeBron in his younger years and then a receding hairline in the past decade. They compare the photos of a younger LeBron James to more modern photos that have a fuller hairline and these online detectives are convinced they have found the solution to the puzzle about the appearance of his hair.

One aspect of the discussion about his hairline that is often overlooked is the fact that there is more to LeBron James than his hairline. Between his achievements on the court and his appearances in movies, there is certainly more to the man than his physical appearance.

However, if LeBron James did have a hair transplant, is there a technique that is available that would help him to hide the fact that he had a Los Angeles hair transplant surgery?

LeBron James – Celebrity Hair Transplant (the Procedure)

As mentioned earlier in this article, LeBron James has never admitted one way or another if he has undergone any type of surgical hair restoration procedure. Since he is constantly in the public eye, he would likely want to take the necessary steps to make sure the public was not aware of any changes made to his hairline.

LeBron might be an ideal candidate for Celebrity Hair Transplant™ by Dr. Parsa Mohebi which is an innovative and popular hair restoration surgery designed for patients who want to keep their hair transplant as anonymous as possible.

The procedure is a type of non-shaven FUE hair transplant that involves a minimal amount of downtime after the surgery as well as having hardly any level of detectably by the average person.

In most cases, there is no need to shave or trim either the donor area or recipient area which means a patient has the ability to leave the office wearing the same hairstyle they were wearing when they arrived at the office. The results do not include any visible scars and the hair grafts will be evenly distributed in the donor area.

One of the main reasons this procedure would be ideal for a widely recognized person like LeBron James is that the results are discreet in appearance as opposed to the typical appearance of the scalp after a hair transplant. Plus, patients are able to resume their regular routine after the surgery which means the average person will not suspect any type of change to the hairline.

While no one except for James (and his family) likely know whether or not he has undergone a hair transplant, if he wants to have one in the future, doctors keep the personal names of their patients confidential, so we won’t tell anyone LeBron came to see us!

Tom Hanks – What Happened with His Hair Transplant?

There are times in Hollywood when a person who seems to have a perfect life is in the public eye. Tom Hanks falls into that category as he has been the perfect actor to play certain roles in movies and he seems perfectly nice to his fans and fellow actors. However, we are ready to blow apart that perfect image with the shocking news about an imperfection in his appearance. If Tom Hanks starred in a horror movie based on his life, the title would be:

What’s Went Wrong with Tom Hanks’ Hair Transplant?

Tom Hanks – Why Did He Have a Hair Transplant?

If you watch the appearance of Tom Hanks in his various movies over the years, you will see the hair of Tom Hanks evolve from curly locks to closely cropped to its current look. One aspect of his hairstyle that is not noticeable these days is his case of male patterned hair loss.

The actor has been experiencing the condition for several years and, at some point in his career, he decided to take action and have a hair transplant.

Tom Hanks – What’s Wrong with His Hair?

Let’s start the examination of his hairline by discussing temporal points. While science fiction movies love to use the concept of temporal points to describe a set of events that have been observed to occur at various points in time, the temporal points we are discussing are an essential element in the creation of a hairline that looks natural in appearance.

When a board-certified and experienced hair transplant surgeon creates a plan to design a hairline, the doctor pays close attention to the proportions of the face of the patient. This is sometimes referred to as “the rule of thirds” which is supposed to help identify if the face of a person is proportional. For example, the distance from the tip of the nose to the chin should be similar to the distance between the tip of the nose to the eyebrows. The same distance should also be found in the area that goes from the eyebrows to the hairline of a person.

This rule shows the distance between facial features that someone should have in order for the face to be vertically proportional. When performing a hair transplant, there might be a need to increase the distance that goes from the eyebrows to the hairline in order to create the appearance of a mature hairline.

Hair restoration specialists are quite skilled in treating the vertical proportions of the face. Unfortunately, there are some surgeons who are not as skilled or experienced when addressing the horizontal proportions of the face.

Tom Hanks – Are His Horizontal Proportions Off in the Face?

Just like the previous section of this article, the discussion about horizontal proportions starts with the temporal points. A successful framing of the face using hair means the perimeter of the front hairline is used to create a certain style to the hair. In addition, framing the face during a hair transplant should help the face by making sure it is horizontally balanced through the recreation of the temporal points.

It is not an exaggeration to say the temporal points are a critical component in maintaining the balance of the face as well as giving the face a more youthful appearance. There are also some cases where people who do not lose any hair on the top of the head can still look older due to a receding of the temporal points. If the temporal points are restored, the face will look younger.

Now, you have a better idea of what to look for in the picture of Tom Hanks in this article.

An easy way to spot a hair transplant is to take a look at the temporal points. The surgeon might not have created temporal points appropriate to the proportion of the face of the patient. While the hairline might look good (We’re looking at you Mr. Hollywood Superstar Tom Hanks), there is still something that seems amiss with the hairline.

While Tom Hanks has admitted to having a hair transplant earlier in his career, it is not publicly known who performed the surgery and what their skill level was in restoring the temporal points. When examining the hairline of Tom Hanks, it does seem that the surgeon might have been limited in his knowledge or skills in creating a natural look to the hairline. There is also a possibility the doctor did not have a clear understanding of the horizontal proportions of the face.

If you are now worried about the proportions of your face and a hair transplant, do not stress yourself out! The creation of temporal points that are natural in appearance is easy to achieve thanks to the advanced technology available at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration. The combination of state-of-the-art equipment and the artistic eyes of our team ensures no one will stare at your head for a long time because they just can’t determine with is wrong with your hair.

What is Wrong with Joe Biden’s Hair Transplant?

Joe Biden Before And After Hair Transplant

Originally Posted November 4, Updated July 23, 2020

Joe Biden is no stranger to the public or to our blog. In November 2013, we discussed the issues with his famous “hair plugs” (see below). Now that Biden will be running against Donald Trump in the fall, his hair transplant (along with additional plastic surgery procedures) is often a topic of discussion and the subject deserves an update for fans of politics and celebrities.

Supply and Demand Mismatch of Hair

Several years ago, I had a conversation with a 31-year-old patient of mine that was insisting on having a hairline that was low and broad. During a close evaluation of his hair loss and hair transplant pattern, as well as a microscopic evaluation of his scalp, I noticed he had significant miniaturization throughout the top and crown area of his scalp. This was clearly a sign that he was heading towards Class VI or VII of hair loss which means he will eventually only have a rim of hair around the scalp.

I informed the patient that, when I design a hairline, I have to take the progress of hair loss over time into consideration. A good hairline is one that looks good now and will also continue to have a natural look when the person is in his 60s or 70s (unlike both Joe Biden and Donald Trump).

Hair Line Positioning

The hairline of Mr. Biden is an example I use when I have to plan for a higher hairline for younger adults. Many of these younger patients have hopes of achieving a lower hairline which is possible when there is no evidence of advanced hair loss.

When I see microscopic evidence of a future class of hair loss or a patient has a significant family history of high-grade baldness, I have to be more conservative in my approach in order to avoid any issues that can be seen in people with hair loss like Joe Biden.

Joe Biden Hair Transplant Problem Areas

  • Poor design and poor long-term planning
  • Hairline that is too low for someone with advanced hair loss
  • Hairline that is too broad for this stage of hair loss
  • Lack of sufficient hair to restore the crown
  • Large balding area that needs more coverage
  • Not enough donor grafts to cover the crown

By keeping the hairline higher as well as creating the appearance of some corner recessions, a natural look is created for the hairline. This is helpful in the long run because, even if the patient loses the crown and has no intention of restoring it, a higher hairline usually goes hand in hand with a balding crown so there is not an unnatural look to the hairline.

Advantages of Using Celebrity FUE

One of the main reasons patients don’t undergo Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is because they don’t want to have a shaved donor area. A smaller shaved donor area is possible with a strip procedure but this method results in a linear scar. In cases where patients don’t want a large area of their scalp shaved, their next best option is non-shaven FUE.

What is Celebrity FUE?

I introduced the term, as well as the procedure, “Celebrity FUE” due to the many requests from multiple celebrity patients. These celebrities could not afford the time, or the publicity, that results from shaving their head for a hair transplant procedure. Since the creation of Celebrity FUE, it has been used by many other doctors across the globe in different versions of the procedure.

Celebrity FUE allows a patient to enjoy no visible scars because there is no need to shave either the donor or recipient area. Plus, there is very little pain or discomfort from the surgery. It should be noted that the procedure is limited in the number of grafts that can be transplanted per session so it is ideal for patients who need a smaller number of grafts.

Comparing FUE Methods

A recent study of 42 patients examined these people after they each had pre-trimmed and non-shaven FUE performed on them during a single surgical session. The two methods were then compared to see the differences in a number of factors:

  • The time it took to punch 50 grafts using the pre-trimmed method was 3.4-minutes as opposed to the 2.6-minutes using the non-shaven method
  • The mean transection rate was close with the pre-trimmed method showing a result of 8.8% and the direct method having a result of 7.5%
  • The mean calculated density was higher using the pre-trimmed method at 2.23 hairs per graft and 2.15 hairs for the second method
  • The harvested hair length was 1.4-mm for the pre-trimmed method and 0.4-0.8 for the other method

What Does This Mean For Patients?

The quality of grafts that are harvested by a surgeon has more to do with the expertise and skill level of the doctor. An experienced and board-certified surgeon should be able to provide non-shaven FUE results that are significantly different than normal FUE.

Interested in learning more about Celebrity FUE? Contact our office today for more information and to schedule your consultation appointment.

Hitting a Hair Transplant Home Run with Jose Canseco

Before and During Jose Canseco's Hair Transplant JourneyHair loss doesn’t discriminate when it comes to age or genetics. Anybody can suffer from hair loss whether they have a million dollars or live more modestly. The prospect of thinning hair can be especially hard for those used to living in the spotlight since much of their daily life is defined by their appearance.

We were recently contacted by one such celebrity, former MLB player Jose Canseco, who is used to being in the public eye. While his thinning hair has been progressing for some time, Canseco recently decided to take action about his hair loss.

One of the most important steps in the hair restoration process is the consultation appointment. This is the opportunity for the doctor and patient to chat one-on-one and discuss the patient’s expectations as well as if the expectations can realistically be achieved. In the case of Jose Canseco, he met with Dr. Mohebi for a consultation appointment that included a thorough physical and microscopic examination.

The physical examination is to ensure a person is healthy enough for a transplant surgery (not a problem with a former pro athlete like Jose Canseco!) and to go over a patient’s current and past medical history. A microscopic evaluation was also performed on Jose to determine the areas of the scalp where his active hair loss is occurring and to also predict where future hair loss will likely happen.

While some celebrities want to keep their hair transplant procedure a secret from the public, which can be accomplished with our Celebrity FUE Hair Transplant procedure, other celebs like Canseco are open to sharing their experience with others. The video below shows Jose during his consultation with Dr. Mohebi as they discussed his FUE hair transplant in order to determine the best option for him.

Hair Transplant Consultation

Once the game plan was made, it was time for his surgery. Much like a winning baseball team, our surgical team was made up of our best players in order to give Canseco the results he desired. The length of a hair transplant surgery varies depending on how many grafts a patient requires to achieve their results. Jose’s surgery went smoothly with no complications that caused us to go into extra innings (extra procedure time).

Hair Transplant Day

Jose came to see us the day after his transplant so we could show him how to do a proper hair wash following his surgery. Jose is thrilled with his results and looks young enough to take a photo for a new baseball card.

After Hair Transplant

Trump’s Hair Tousled by Talkshow Host

In the past, I’ve mentioned the speculation surrounding Donald Trump’s hair as well as the fact that he has been known to mock the hairdo of Hillary Clinton and the historic importance of having a great hairline in the US presidential elections. There are many theories about Trump’s hair and they include:

  • It is a toupee
  • He had a bad hair transplant in the past
  • His hair is thinning so he wears it swept upward to hide that fact

Trump has been mostly silent about the history of his hair and possible hair restoration procedure(s) and has rarely let anybody touch it. This personality quirk only added to the mystery surrounding his hairline. It often seems as if Trump is afraid to have anybody solve the mystery about his hair.

All of that changed last night!

Trump was a guest on “The Tonight Show” last week and, towards the end of his interview, Jimmy Fallon asked Trump if he could mess up his hair. Fallon wanted to do it while he had a chance since they are both civilians. To the surprise of the audience, Trump agreed and let Fallon partially mess up his hairdo.


It was a fun television moment and also a chance to see Donald Trump trying to be open and more transparent with the public about his hair. However, the fact that Fallon pulled on his hair and messed it up in front of millions of TV viewers still does not prove that the Donald did not have a bad hair transplant in the past. Why?

  1. His blonde hair, combined with his white skin, provides very minimal contrast in his appearance and makes it quite difficult to detect plugs from a previous hair transplant behind his hairline.
  2. While he has hair in front, but what kind of hair is that? Is it transplanted, flap or a combination of both?
  3. If everything is fine and dandy about Trump’s hair, why has he consistently worn his typical comb over?

While the display made for great TV, it did not answer any of the questions about Trump and his hair. Until the day Donald Trump decides to directly address the hair transplant question, the public will have to remain in the dark about the answer.

Are Celebrities Still Stars Without Their Hair?

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In Hollywood, a healthy head of hair can often make the difference between being a successful leading man and being the sidekick/the guy that helps the successful leading man.

George Clooney was known as much for his hairstyle as his acting skills on “ER”. Johnny Depp would not have been a convincing Captain Jack Sparrow without his long locks of hair in his famous pirate role.

There are so many celebrities that are famous for their hair that we can’t help but wonder what they would look like with their famous locks of hair?

  • Would Chris Hemsworth be “Thor” or a “bore” without hair?
  • Would Christian Bale be a better Batman if the mask hides his bald spot?
  • Would Justin Timberlake be “NSYNC” with audiences if he suffered from hair loss?
  • Would Leonardo DiCaprio be a “Wall Street Wolf” with patchy hair?
  • Would Brad Pitt be a “hit or a miss” as a movie star if he had a bald spot?
  • Would Jason Momoa be the “King of the Seas” without his signature long hair?

While the celebrities listed above don’t have to currently worry about hair loss in their lives, we decided to see what the biggest stars in the world look like without hair. You can view the latest results of our “hair today, gone tomorrow” experiment in our celebrity hair photo gallery. The biggest names in the entertainment world have been transformed from “hairy hunks” to “patchy people”.

While these photos are for fun, it is interesting to see the difference in the appearance of these superstars without their famous hairstyles. Do you have a new view of them after seeing the changes in their looks?

Do you have a celebrity you want to see transformed by our team? Email us at and let us know which celebrities you want to see changed before your eyes!

Don’t forget – You can also have a have a hair transplant just like a celebrity thanks to Celebrity Hair Transplant™ by Dr. Parsa Mohebi. This innovative technique has minimal downtime and little to no detectability. Contact us today for more details.

– MA
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