Richmond Hair Transplant

Other than Richmond, Virginia, the Richmond in California is our nation’s largest city by that name. Its population sits at about 105,000 people. Richmond is also home to many animals of varying species, such as the red tail hawk, the harbor seal, the fox, and the mountain lion. At Point Isabel Dog Park, dog owners have 50 acres of hilly landscape to go running with their pets.

Families of just about every culture occupy the city. They have come here from parts all over the globe to give their children a chance at a successful future. Richmond’s public schools, geared toward college enrollment and the earning of a degree, provides that chance. The future looks bright for this city to become the birthplace for many of tomorrow’s great minds.

Minds like the kind found nearby at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration, where the most advanced techniques in hair transplant surgery are conducted by board certified physicians. Pattern baldness and other types of thinning hair are no boon for one’s self-image. Since 2008, we have been here to help patients rejuvenate that young, energetic glow so often associated with residents of Richmond.

Richmond—an Enriching Experience

It is been said that people in Richmond only need to meet you once to remember your name. Its irresistible charm lies within a small town vibe which, over the past 10 years or so, has become quite easy for anyone who visits Richmond to feel.

Let’s start with the food. The city’s multi-cultural status gives it plenty of good places to eat. Restaurants specializing in cuisines such as German, Thai, Vietnamese, and Latino can be found all over the place. Feel like a burger or hot dog instead? Do not worry—the traditional American meals are here, too. Richmond is going to make you feel a lot of things. Hungry is not one of them.

Bored neither, because like so many Bay Area cities, hiking and biking are immensely popular here. As for parks to go along them—oh yes, Richmond has you covered. The Richmond Bay Trail is already huge, and gives hikers gorgeous views of the water; soon, it will be even bigger, as developers are converting it into a 500 mile network to encompass San Pablo and San Francisco Bay.


Great Minds Think Alike

The young minds of Richmond that will help shape the world’s future may also, one day, have a hand in what we do. We certainly plan to be here for a long time, making huge advancements in hair restoration treatment along the way.

At present, the two main methods for Richmond hair transplant surgery are the follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction. Both are performed at our clinic, with FUE being the more advanced, more versatile of the two. Female patients and patients with curly hair will almost always receive FUE, as will patients whose donor hairs come from parts of the body other than the scalp.

The treatment that is right for you is decided upon after a microscopic scalp exam. Also during the exam you will be asked a number of questions in regard to your overall health, family history of hair loss, and expectations for the procedure.


How Far From Richmond To Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration?

You can be here in about half an hour, via I-80 West. Find us at 55 Francisco Street, Suite #705. The neighborhood is upscale, with parking located right next door. We are also near clean, comfortable lodging, and can even help you find a place to stay should you need one.

Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration is here to help residents of Richmond and everywhere else get back the hair of their halcyon days. Call us today at (415) 997-6126 for more information.