Hair Transplant Scar – How to Improve it?

Hi Doctor,

My son has had a hair transplant years ago with old techniques and he has bad hair transplant scar now. He now wants to shave his head, but the scar of hair transplant on the back of his head may become exposed. Do you perform hair transplant scar repair or do you recommend any procedure that can help with hair transplant donor scar coverage?


Hair transplant with strip technique can cause a linear scar that could be visible on the back of head if the patient wants to shave his/her head. A hair transplant scar is not limited to a bad hair transplant technique and it might have to do with one’s personal healing process too (some people are generally better healers compared to the others).

The good news is that we have methods to minimize the size of the scars nowadays and if you have bad hair transplant scars from bad transplants in the past, there are several new methods that can help improving the appearance of the donor scar. A hair transplant scar could be improved by repair of linear widened scars with different methods that we perform at our Los Angeles office of Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration. Dr. Mohebi is the inventor of the Laxometer, a device that measure the laxity of the scalp precisely before hair transplant surgeries. Good measurement of the scalp laxity is one of the best ways to minimize development of donor wound complications and widening of donor scar and the Laxometer is the device to do these measurements.

Scar Excision

One method is through simply excising the scar. Excision of the donor scar may be helpful for some donor scars. After removing the scar, hair transplant surgeon can close the skin with the trichophytic closure method in which a small wedge on one or both sides of the skin edge is removed and the skin is closed primarily. Trichophytic closure allows some hair follicles to grow new hair into the final scar. Presence of hair helps making the hair transplant scar become invisible.

FUE implantation

Hair transplant donor scar coverage could also be performed by transplanting hair into the scar. Hair could be harvested from other areas using FUE or mini-strip techniques. Again, presence of the hair inside scarred area could trick the discriminating eye and the scar would become less detectable. Patients may need more than one hair transplant procedure into the donor scar for minimizing the difference between the densities of hair in scar and surrounding areas.


The last method that could be used to camouflage the linear scar is by SMP into the scar. People who plan to keep the hair very short can easily tattoo the scar with the figures of short hairs so it seems that there are some hairs present in the scar area, which can help minimizing the visibility of the scar.