Scalp Micropigmentation Treatment Los Angeles, CA

Scalp Micro-pigmentation Treatment in Los Angeles, CAScalp Micropigmentation Treatment Los Angeles, CA

Hair loss on the scalp can be addressed by receiving a Scalp Micropigmentation Treatment in Los Angeles, CA from Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration. There are times when patients want to make further changes to the appearance of their scalp. For anyone that desires an improvement in the aesthetic appearance of their scalp, a viable option is scalp micro-pigmentation treatment from our clinic. 

Scalp micro-pigmentation (SMP), which is also known as trichopigmentation, is performed to imitate the appearance of a closely shaved head using dermal pigments. The procedure can also provide the look of more fullness on the scalp by blending in with the natural hair that is already present on the scalp. Scalp micro-pigmentation is often performed without the use of anesthesia and is considered to be a relatively non-invasive procedure.

In general, an ideal candidate for Los Angeles scalp micro-pigmentation is someone without enough hair to cover the balding area of the scalp with the desired density. Keep reading this informative article to learn more about patients that are ideal candidates for SMP Los Angeles so you can see if you fall into any of these categories.

Tips for Treatment Aftercare

Scalp micro-pigmentation is a relatively simple procedure that is non-invasive, permanent, and fairly painless. This may be a good option for you if you are suffering from a moderate to severe case of hair loss and are almost going bald because of it. Your hair does not grow with scalp micro-pigmentation, instead, it helps you cover up bald spots so your hair has a more even appearance. 

The procedure entails injecting pigment into the scalp skin layers. The color is matched carefully and inserted to match your desired hairstyle. The procedure is similar to getting a tattoo and may take a few hours over the course of 2-3 sessions to be completed. This schedule may vary based on the patient and to what degree they need scalp micro-pigmentation treatment.

Preparing for the sessions is equally important to aftercare. Our team can talk with you about ways to get ready for your treatment so that optimum results are achieved. Here are a few tips for how to care for your recent scalp micro-pigmentation session:

  • Do not wash, rub, or touch the scalp for 3 days. If you do, you may catch an infection that could prolong the healing process. Dealing with infections can be difficult when you are already trying to recover from a scalp treatment.
  • Refrain from shaving. The scabs on your head can heal within a couple of days, but it will require time for them to go away completely. To prevent reopening these wounds, do not shave for a while. If you must, use an electric foil shaver, as this is less likely to irritate the area.
  • Moisturize the scalp regularly. 72 hours after the treatment, you can begin applying moisturizer to the scalp. This can help keep your skin hydrated and give a classy appearance while preventing dryness and flakiness.
  • Avoid time in the sun. This may seem difficult to follow, but do your best to not expose the treated area to the sun. If you do go outside, use sunscreen lotion with strong SPF regardless of if it is sunny or overcast. Exposing the scalp can cause the color pigment to fade quicker. Usually, pigments last for several years, but going bare in the sun can speed up the process. 

Scalp Micropigmentation Ideal Candidates

If you are considering having Los Angeles, CA scalp micropigmentation treatment, here are some viable candidates:

  • Patients who had a previous hair transplant but still experience scalp visibility because of large balding areas or thin hair.
  • Female patients who are not good candidates for a hair transplant because of a lack of donor hair elsewhere on the scalp to provide a fuller appearance.
  • Someone who has a scar on the scalp, due to a previous hair transplant or trauma, and wants to reduce its visibility.
  • Men who suffer from male pattern baldness often have a balding “horseshoe pattern” that is visible on their scalp. Scalp micropigmentation Los Angeles creates the look of a full head of hair in these patients.

If you want more information about scalp micropigmentation, and if you are an ideal candidate for Los Angeles SMP, the experienced team at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration is ready to answer your questions.

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) Process

The process for your scalp micro-pigmentation treatment will begin with speaking to your doctor from Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration. Our doctors will discuss your options and overall goals for your treatment. Once these factors are understood and known, the next process will be finding the spot on the scalp to perform the treatment. This will be in your control as it is your decision which look you desire for your treatment. 

Once your first scalp micro-pigmentation treatment session has been set up, you can then prepare for that first visit. When that session is over, it’s important to keep that sensitive area of the scalp where the treatment has been performed dry and free from sunlight. If avoiding the sun is impossible, ensure to wear sunscreen.  

Your Los Angeles, CA scalp micro-pigmentation treatment doctor from Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration will determine how many sessions you will need to complete your full treatment. We will also review your options, further details for recovery, and more. It’s our goal to make you comfortable and satisfied with your appearance. Your confidence, self-esteem, and personal aesthetic goals will all improve with this procedure. Contact us today to get started.

The Recovery Process

The recovery process is much easier and shorter than having to go through a FUE or FUT treatment process. While these processes are ideal for some candidates, SMP is better for others. SMP is an outpatient procedure that will see you going home the same day and generally having a session for a few short hours. There will be some redness on the scalp for a few days following the session and generally within 1 to 2 weeks for most people the recovery process will already be concluded. 

If you have ever received a tattoo, then the recovery process and timeline are quite similar to a scalp micro-pigmentation procedure. Scalp micro-pigmentation treatment has been something that many people have turned to in order to get a more aesthetically pleasing hair and scalp appearance. Our doctors at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration are both skilled and experienced when it comes to this procedure. Contact us today to begin your consultation and to get your treatment started.

SMP Treatment After Your Session

Following the first few days after your treatment, it is advised to keep your scalp as dry as possible and to avoid sunlight for that sensitive area. Keeping the SMP treatment area clean is also especially important. Applying sunscreen to that area is beneficial and avoiding swimming pools or other wet areas is also something helpful for the sensitive time after your treatment. Your scalp may be itchy following the procedure for a short period of time, so doing your absolute best to avoid scratching that area is important to keep it healthy. Our doctors can fill you in more on the details and what to do and not to do following the procedure. We look forward to your consultation and improving you to the appearance you desire.

Learn More About Scalp Micro-pigmentation

For many people who are suffering from hair loss, it is understandable that they are willing to turn to some out-of-the-box methods. Some may look at hair transplant surgery while others may wish to turn to more expensive creams in hopes that they will help to regrow hair. However, many more people are now opting to use micro-pigmentation—essentially, a hair tattoo—to help fill in their hairline or give them the look of a “5 o’clock shadow” even if they do not have hair. 

What does scalp micro-pigmentation look like?

You may be wondering if micro-pigmentation is actually an effective method for making your hairline look thicker. This procedure can give you instant results that make your hairline appear thicker. A needle will be used to inject the right pigment into the hair follicle to give you results you are satisfied with. 

What can’t it do?

The truth is, if you are in the market for a full head of luxurious hair, scalp micro-pigmentation is not going to be the right solution for you. It can mimic the shadow many men get when they shave their heads and it can help fill in areas where your hair is not growing to give your hair a thicker look. It cannot produce hair, however, and it cannot restore hair growth. 

I’m nervous about the pain. What can I expect?

It is understandable that you would be nervous about the pain, especially when a needle is involved. However, this will not be the same level of pain that a person will experience with a normal tattooing needle and while you may experience some soreness after the procedure, you should not be in pain. It is important that post-procedure, you follow the aftercare instructions closely and understand that things may more easily irritate your head. However, you should be able to carry on with your usual routine the day following the procedure. 

Will I be done in one session?

You should speak with the provider before you begin scalp micro-pigmentation to ensure you understand how many treatment sessions may be needed for your particular needs. Many sessions will take over two hours to complete and you may be looking at multiple sessions. Your provider will let you know when to schedule treatment after your last session as you will need to give your scalp a chance to rest and recover from each session. 

Contact Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration in Los Angeles

The appearance of balding areas on the scalp can make a person have less confidence in their appearance and want to make a change in order to improve their self-image. Scalp micro-pigmentation provides the look of a fuller head of hair without the need to have a hair transplant. SMP works to increase the thickness of balding hair as well as increase the appearance of the hair density of a patient.  In addition, scalp micro-pigmentation can accurately simulate the appearance of a closely shaved head in patients that are completely bald.

Contact our experienced medical team today so you can get the answers you want to know about the procedure known as scalp micro-pigmentation. Give yourself the look of a closely shaved head and improve the overall aesthetic appearance of your scalp. Call the office of Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration today about scalp micro-pigmentation treatment in Los Angeles, California.

Scalp Micro-pigmentation Treatment Los Angeles, CA

Just like anything scalp micro-pigmentation treatment in Los Angeles, CA has its advantages and disadvantages. Before you start on the journey with SMP you need to weigh all the aspects to make sure that it is the right path for you. Not everyone is going to want to go through the process, and for some, it can be a little daunting to think about getting a tattoo on your head. 

Everyone’s hair loss is going to be unique to them. While some people find that SMP is a great solution others may need more, such as a FUE hair transplant. It really depends and your doctor is going to be who will help you figure out which one is right for you. 

Advantages to Scalp Micro-pigmentation Treatment

Just like with anything there are some advantages and disadvantages to this kind of treatment. Read on to see what kinds of advantages you can expect when going through SMP. 

SMP is Non-Invasive 

One of the biggest selling points is that an SMP treatment is that it is non-invasive. This means that this type of procedure requires very little downtime if any at all. A patient can return to most of their daily routines immediately following a fairly short procedure. This means that the procedure itself is much quicker than other types of hair restoration treatments but it also means that the desired final result can be achieved faster. Many of the procedures are completed with just 3 visits over a couple of months. Not only that but the healing time is faster and there is a very minimal risk of infection. Whereas the FUE treatment has a higher risk of infection because it is more invasive. 


When compared to some other hair restoration procedures, scalp micro-pigmentation is often more affordable than other options. A hair transplant can cost upwards of $10,000 while a SMP is going to be much cheaper. Prices can vary depending on location but in many cases it is going to be cheaper. This makes SMP a perfect way to enhance your appearance without having to go beyond your specific budget. 

SMPs also can last for many years with the proper care. Touch-ups are always going to be necessary though, where the FUE doesn’t require touch-ups after so many years. 

Disadvantages of Scalp Micro-pigmentation 

Just like anything, there are disadvantages that you have to take into account before you decide on a treatment. 

It Doesn’t Feel Like Hair 

A SMP treatment is going to look best when surrounded by hairs that have been shaved. However, a SMP is just an illusion. It will feel just like a bald head. If you are looking for a way to restore actual hair then SMP is probably not the best choice for you. While a great illusion for many, it can’t be styled and it can be noticeable if you want to have longer hair. 

What To Expect Regarding Scalp Micro-pigmentation Treatment

Scalp Micro-pigmentation is effective across all genders and ethnicities. Every Scalp Micro-pigmentation procedure is specifically designed for every patient’s head size and facial features. Micro-pigmentation professionals choose appropriate pigments, procedural techniques, and post-surgical recovery steps. 

Microdots across the scalp may cause slight pain and discomfort in some patients. Many Scalp Micro-pigmentation procedures are comparable to receiving a tattoo. Yet the majority of patients report little or no discomfort during the Scalp Micro-pigmentation procedure. 

The Benefits Of Scalp Micro-pigmentation

Scalp micro-pigmentation will add definition to the scalp and hairline so that your appearance improves. Also, you will have a more uniform look that will be appealing to others. Many patients believe they look more professional in work settings after undergoing scalp micro-pigmentation procedures. 

The appearance of the hair follicles will seem thicker to yourself and others. Thicker hair follicles will make each follicle look darker to others. The thicker follicles also increase the uniform look desired by many patients who undergo scalp micro-pigmentation procedures. 

Cosmetic corrections are also a benefit associated with scalp micro-pigmentation procedures. If scars, different skin tones, and other cosmetic blemishes are noticeable now then these may be less noticeable to yourself and others after undergoing scalp micro-pigmentation procedures. 

Maintenance is kept at a minimum after you undergo a scalp micro-pigmentation procedure. You will not have to apply lotions or gels to the hair follicles after your scalp micro-pigmentation procedure. These forms of maintenance are not necessary to maintain the long-term effects of scalp micro-pigmentation surgery. 

Non-surgical scalp micro-pigmentation will lead to less complications than other scalp procedures that are more invasive. Also, less recovery time is necessary following a non-surgical option. Scalp micro-pigmentation is the best option for patients who do not want to undergo long-term surgical procedures that may require secondary surgeries following the primary operation. 

Covering Pattern Baldness

Scalp micro-pigmentation will help patients who have lost most of their hair or have suffered thinning hair. If you have lost a large volume of hair scalp micro-pigmentation is a great option for restoring your hair to a more natural appearance. 


A follicle look in bald patches will help you achieve a more uniform appearance. Adding density and strength to thinning areas can be done by using hair follicles and coloring techniques. The thicker the follicles appear the more uniform and natural your appearance will be. Covering surgical scars following a hair transplant procedure is also an added benefit of scalp micro-pigmentation. Cosmetic surgeons can also perform scalp micro-pigmentation procedures.