San Mateo Hair Transplant

About twenty miles of San Francisco lies the city of San Mateo. Rather conveniently, it lies right near the center of the Bay Area, providing its residents with easy access to bigger cities in the area. Not that they ever think about leaving much, considering that downtown San Mateo holds over 800 shops and restaurants. And while much of the architecture here is considered historic, the city’s overall lifestyle is quite modern, with lit-up office buildings conducting business day and night, earning the area its reputation for holding a strong work ethic.

At Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration, we know all about work ethic. Aside from making several breakthroughs in San Mateo hair transplant technology on our own, we have also refined the traditional methods to make them work best on a patient to patient basis. At all three of our California clinics, patients find board certified surgeons who work in tandem with a friendly, courteous staff to produce unprecedented results. Not only that, but most surgeries can be completed in a single day, getting busy people like those found in San Mateo right back to work with barely a warble in their weekly routine.

San Mateo—Hard At Work, Hard At Play

As mentioned, San Mateo is full of busy people. But those visiting just to have a good time will not be disappointed. For starters, there is the Hiller Aviation Museum located at 601 Skyway Road. Here you will find flight-related displays dating all the way back to the mid-19th century. You will also find a real Boeing 747 cockpit, which you can climb into and have a look around.

Just 12 minutes south of San Mateo is the Filoli Gardens. This is a 115 year-old, 16 acre estate that is now open for public tours. The gardens consist of holly, laurel, yew, and lots of other plants complemented by pools, walls, and gravel paths. There is also an orchard of over 650 various fruit trees.

Speaking of gardens, try not to skip out on the San Mateo Japanese Garden. It is free of charge, less crowded than the more popular one in San Francisco, and you will love an intimate, up-close experience with the maples, cherries, peonies…and really, everything that grows here.

Now you ca not come to San Francisco without taking at least one trail hike. It may even be an official law these days. In San Mateo, the best place to do this is probably at Coyote Point. There are five trails here, all of which offer splendid views of the bay. During summer you will see windsurfers off the beach…and probably on the beach, preparing to hit the waves. Coyote Point can be found at 1701 Coyote Drive.


Success Through Work, Talent, and Experience

That is how it happens at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration. San Mateo knows the benefits of all three quite well. At our clinics we practice two main forms of hair transplant surgery:  follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction. FUT involves harvesting donor hairs in groups off the back of the scalp; these groups come off in strips that are placed into the recipient area. For FUE, we harvest follicular units one at a time, either from the scalp or other parts of the body. At an initial consultation we will find out which method is best suited for a particular patient, and develop a plan from there.


How To Get Here From There

Our San Francisco clinic is just half an hour drive north via US-101 North. Look us up at 55 Francisco Street, Suite #705. Parking and lodging are both right nearby in this clean, classy neighborhood.

If you or someone you know suffers from thinning hair, get in touch with Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration at (415) 997-6126 to schedule a consultation.
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