What Are My Options For a Hair Transplant Consultation?

One of the first steps on your personal hair transplant journey is scheduling a consultation appointment with our office. The first, and best, option for a consultation appointment is an in-person consultation with Dr. Mohebi. Your in-person hair transplant consultation includes:

  • A complete scalp examination including a microscopic evaluation of your hair
  • A full assessment of your hair transplant options
  • A hair design and decision on the number of grafts needed for your transplant

Our standard consultation fee is $150. If you choose to move forward with a transplant procedure, the cost of the consultation will be put towards the procedure.

We do allow you to bring a friend or family member along as a support person for your consultation appointment. Please be aware if the person you bring also needs to have a hair loss evaluation, as well as eventual treatment, they will need to schedule a separate appointment. Please inquire about our group promotion for hair transplant procedures.

Take the first step towards your hair transformation.

Fill in the form to begin your life-changing hair restoration journey today!

    I Live Too Far Away for an In-Person Consultation

    While an in-person consultation appointment is the ideal choice for determining the next step towards your hair transplant procedure, we realize not everyone lives within a reasonable commuting distance to our office. In cases such as these, we offer a few options to make a consultation possible for you:

    Phone Consultation

    We do offer the patients who are not local the chance to have a consultation with Dr. Mohebi over the phone. You will need to fill out a form (via email) that will include a series of questions about your hair loss including family history, class of hair loss, type of hair transplant you’re interested in pursuing, etc.  You will also need to send us some recent photos in advance of scheduling an appointment. The photos will need to include well-lit shots of the top, front, side and back of your scalp.

    We must receive this information before we can schedule a phone consultation.  Also, because the consultation is being conducted via phone the doctor will only be able to give you an estimated number of grafts you may need.

    Video Consultation

    A better option for those who can’t be present in our office is a video consultation. As with the phone consultation above, you will have to fill out a form with a series of questions and some photos in advance of scheduling your appointment.

    On the day of your video consultation, our office will contact you before your appointment with the doctor to make sure the connection is working properly. We will also make sure that the visibility on your side of the connection is well-lit enough for Dr. Mohebi to properly view both you and your scalp. Make sure you have enough lighting in the room and the light should light your face and scalp from the front.

    Once we are done checking that everything is properly set on the video connection, the doctor will begin your consultation.

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