Modern Hair Restoration

Modern Hair Restoration BookModern Hair Restoration, a Complete Hair Loss Guide for Men and Women (3rd Edition) by Dr. Parsa Mohebi, is a comprehensive guide for patients wanting more information about the diagnosis and treatment of male and female patterned baldness.  The book offers valuable information about finding the best surgical and non-surgical treatments for maintaining and re-growing one’s hair.

“Modern Hair Restoration” offers a comprehensive look at popular and innovative hair treatments such as FUE and FUT as well as the latest breakthroughs in FUE treatment. The book also gives essential information every hair loss patient should know before having a consultation with a hair transplant surgeon.  The book details how the latest advancements in modern hair restoration have led to new harvesting methods using scalp, body or facial hair and how new techniques for wound care have helped to eliminate or reduce the appearance of strip scars.  The book also describes how new automated methods in FUE have helped facilitate greater speed and efficiency during transplantation. In addition to its complete listing of the variety of surgical options for hair restoration, the book also offers up to date information on both medical and non-surgical treatments for treating hair loss.

The book offers in-depth analysis on the following topics:

Surgical Options

Non- Surgical Options

Finding and selecting the right hair transplant doctor is one of the most important decisions a patient can make.  The results of a hair transplant procedure can last a lifetime. The book guides readers on what to expect during the course of their treatment beginning with a proper hair loss evaluation. An evaluation can also help determine which long term treatments can be used to maximize the results enjoyed by a patient.

The book includes a section on post-hair transplant surgery and recovery with detailed information on maintaining safety and proper care after a hair transplant.  Proper maintenance, using effective remedies, helps patients treat common complications such as minor bruising and scabbing.

Thinking about becoming one of our newest patients? Schedule your consultation with us and we’ll give you a free copy of Dr. Mohebi’s book when you visit our office for your consultation. Don’t worry if you are doing your consultation via Skype. We’ll be happy to mail your free book to your home address.

Not sure about undergoing a hair restoration procedure but still interested in the book?

It is available for order right now on Amazon and Barnes and Nobles.
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