Robotic FUE – ARTAS


In the medical field of hair transplants, the ARTAS System is one of the most advanced techniques currently in use to perform FUE hair restoration.  The ARTAS System uses a Robotic arm that allows for accurate harvesting of hair from the donor area in patients with male patterned baldness using the Follicular Unit Extraction method (r-FUE).

The ARTAS System allows a hair transplant surgeon to use state of the art computer assistance to harvest hair follicles for hair transplantation. The system incorporates a number of elements in its operation including an image-guided robotic arm and special imaging software that work together to harvest follicular unit grafts (individually and precisely). The ARTAS System enables our medical staff to extract high quality hair follicular units at a more rapid rate and with a higher amount of precision.

The ARTAS System is equipped with a sophisticated algorithm that facilitates a precise and accurate mapping and collecting of follicular units. A random harvesting of the units is designed by the system to minimize the risk of scarring and over-harvesting of hair grafts.  Patients who undergo a hair transplant using the ARTAS FUE procedure can usually return to normal activities the day after their hair restoration procedure.

How Does it Work?


The hair transplant surgeon determines and marks the donor area which is also known as “the permanent zone”. The donor area on a patient is usually located on the back and sides of the scalp.  After the application of the necessary numbing medications, the patient is placed in a sitting position with their face put over a donut shaped pillow for maximum stability and comfort. A tensioner is then placed over the donor area to stabilize the skin for the hair graft harvesting process.  The ARTAS System uses several cameras to capture microscopic video images of the patient’s follicular units. The hairs are then easily identified by the 3D microscopic camera of the robot.

The direction of the hair, as well as the exit angles of the hair, is not the same in different parts of the scalp. The robot constantly monitors the exit angle of the hair and calculates the internal hair axis based on the collected data. The ARTAS software identifies and computes hair features such as number of hair per follicular unit, hair exit angle, hair direction and overall density of the hair in each area.  The gathered information is processed with ARTAS’s algorithm and a plan is then generated for harvesting hair follicles with a high degree of accuracy.

The robotic arm will be adjusted based on the processed information from the 3D camera system.  After the identification of individual follicular units is completed, they will be reaped individually with the robotic dual punch system, optimizing the quality of the extracted hair follicles.  The doctor and medical staff operate the system and make adjustments during the procedure to optimize the dissection of follicular unit grafts.

The ARTAS robotic hair-harvesting system is an advanced hair restoration device that enhances the safety and precision of hair transplant procedures.  The combination of our artistic approach and Robotic advanced technology makes r-FUE a safe and effective hair restoration method.

Read the FAQ about Robotic FUE Hair Transplant