Cupertino Hair Transplant

When you first looked at this article’s title, your mind probably did not leap straight away to hair transplants. No—instead, you doubtless thought of fruit. Specifically, the apple. We can scarcely blame such reactions. The neo-futuristic Apple Park first opened its doors in 2017. It covers 175 acres of real estate. Its ring-shaped office building is advertised as a perfect circle. Apart from that, the park features cafes, an auditorium, a wellness center, and transportation for its employees. One cannot talk about Cupertino without mentioning the tech giant Apple.

With that written, hair transplants and Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration share a similar bond. We opened our first office in California in 2008. Eleven years later, we came to San Francisco. Today, Cupertino hair transplant patients regularly consult us for thinning hair issues. It is our reputation for modern methodology conducted by board-certified doctors that draws them in. After, the good people of Cupertino have had close relations with advanced technology since 1977, when Apple first arrived. That is not going to change any time soon. We intend to be here for a while, too, reversing the effects of baldness using the newest processes available and even developing many of our own.

What Is It Like In Cupertino?

Quite pleasant, actually. Summertime temperatures top out at around 82 degrees, with winter highs averaging more like 58 degrees. You do not bake here, nor do you freeze. This is especially good news if you happen to be a golfer and decide to shoot the 18 holes at Deep Cliff Golf Course. The design here is a perfect balance of difficulty and enjoyment. Well-maintained facilities sprawl over 3,358 yards, with a practice range and a fully stocked pro shop.

Over at the Fujitsu Planetarium, a 50-foot high dome puts the universe on display. Incredibly detailed images of heavenly bodies will leave you dizzy with awe and admiration. Those same feelings await you at Castle Rock State Park, a mere 30-minute drive from Cupertino. Its landscape of rocks and hills seems to stretch on forever as if you have left the city far behind in favor of a world long thought defeated by industry.

And then, of course, there is the Apple Park Visitor Center. Here tourists learn quite a bit about the company and its products. They will also get the dime tour of Apple’s history and culture. A visit to Cupertino is not complete without seeing the Apple Park Visitor Center.


High-tech Treatment With A Few Inventions Of Our Own

Silicon Valley is not the only place to go for breakthrough innovations. At Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration, we have also pulled a few rabbits out of our hat. Though in truth, they are not tricks—far from it. They are refinements. Discoveries. Ideas made tangible.

To get you back to work quickly after a procedure without sacrificing discreteness, Doctor Mohebi developed the Celebrity Hair Transplant. Using FUE, the surgeon will not shave or cut your hair, so at the end of the day, it will look like you never had surgery at all. This is why we call it the Celebrity Hair Transplant—because celebrities want to keep a low profile when they are out and about, which is certainly what you will be able to do after this procedure.

Hair grafts are live tissues that can get damaged easily. The less time they are outside the body, the better. With our very own Simultaneous Extraction and Placement, grafts spend less than two hours between the donor area and the recipient area of the scalp. Further helping to reduce possible damage is the Mohebi Implanter. Using it for recipient area insertion, this tool minimizes stress on the graft. And because it only requires one hand for use, more than one surgeon can work on implantation at the same time.

Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration is a dependable, well-established choice for thinning hair treatment. Find out more about what we do by calling (415) 997-6126 today.