African American Hair Transplant

Hair transplant for African Americans is able to be performed very efficiently these days thanks to the advances in Follicular Unit Extraction/Excision (FUE) hair harvesting methods. In the past, African American patients, or any patient with curly hair, that wanted to have a hair transplant had a tougher time getting the results they desired because of the texture of their hair. This was mostly due to their very curly hair and the limitations of the older FUE hair restoration extracting devices that were only ideal for straight hair.

How does African Hair Transplant Differ?

African American FUE Hair Transplant

African American men have a few characteristics that make them unique candidates for hair restoration procedures:

  • African American men usually tend to have extremely curly hair and, it used to be more challenging to extract the hair from their donor areas on the back of their head
  • Unlike Caucasian and Asian men who normally have a higher mature hairline, many African American men maintain a low lying and straighter hairline as adults.
  • Their amount of donor hair density is usually lower than Caucasians but the curly hair can produce a higher volume that compensates for the lower overall donor reserve normally found on their scalp

Thanks to the work of many pioneering FUE doctors that advanced our current modern FUE hair transplant techniques, we can achieve natural, long lasting results on African American men and women with patterned hair loss.

African Hair Restoration Tips

The following is what we always consider when planning an African American FUE hair transplant:

  • Design of the Hairline– It is vital that the natural hairline of an African American patient is considered when designing a new hairline. As listed above, there are many differences between an African American hairline and the hairlines of other ethnicities. African American males can choose a lower and straighter hairline or they may mimic a Caucasian mature hairline with corners that are naturally receded. Either hairline choice can work so the perfect hairline should be planned and executed by an experienced doctor.
  • Hair Follicle Orientation– Because of the curly hair found on most African American patients, we take this into account when extracting donor hair follicles from the back of the scalp or elsewhere on the body of the patient. It is crucial to ensure the angle, and curvature, of the transplanted hair follicle follows its natural direction and distribution once it is transplanted into the scalp.
  • Master Planning– We always perform a microscopic evaluation during our initial consultation appointment to see where patients are heading with their hair loss. This microscopic evolution, coupled with a family pattern of hair loss, is a good predictor of the final stages of hair loss in every man. We will discuss the medical treatment, in addition to a hair transplant, that will maintain a full head of hair throughout the life of the patient.

How Does African American Hair Transplant work?

  • As part of the first step in African American hair transplant at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration, we perform a complete hair and scalp evaluation. During this evaluation, we examine your hair density and thickness along with the level of miniaturization that determines what will be the final stage of your hair loss.
  • The total available permanent hair reserve is calculated based on the density of hair on the donor area of the scalp and other areas of the body.
  • We also discuss the available medical options to maintain your preexisting hair as much as possible in addition to adding hair to the balding areas.
  • African American hair transplant can be a challenging procedure and only an experienced surgeon can produce great results. During the procedure, the appropriate special techniques and instruments should be used to harvest complete hair grafts. In addition, the doctor should pay special attention to the size and curvature of the hair in both the donor and recipient area.
  • Placement of the grafts is very important and special care should be taken not to damage the delicate FUE grafts. Mohebi Implanter (Inserter) has been a great advancement in hair restoration technology. This implanter can minimize the manipulation of grafts and also eliminate the mechanical forces that jeopardize the viability of hair grafts.

African Hair Transplant Planning

Scheduling your African American hair restoration procedure is easy. You need to plan a consultation appointment at one of our offices to discuss your specific needs with our hair transplant surgeons. We will design a master plan after the initial evaluation of your hair and scalp. You can then schedule your Los Angeles hair restoration surgery or visit one of our other offices. The hair transplant procedure usually takes 6-8 hours and is done under sedation and local anesthesia. You will have follow-up appointments after your procedure to assure the proper care of the transplanted hair for the best results.

If you are an African American patient interested in undergoing a hair restoration procedure using Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration’s African American FUE hair transplant techniques, call us today at 888-302-8747 or make an online consultation appointment.