Widow’s Peak Hairline – Details Revealed

One of the most common types of hairlines seen on people of all ages is a widow’s peak. Even though this is a very common hairline that can start to appear as a person ages, it should not be confused with a receding hairline. In addition, not many people know why a widow’s peak happens as well as how this hairline got its name. In this article, let’s explore all things widow’s peak including what it is, why it happens, and the reasons behind its name.

Widow’s Peak – What is It?

What is a perfect Widows peakIn general, a widow’s peak is a type of hairline that is best known for the formation of a “V” shape in the center of the forehead. The actual width and depth of the “V” shape varies per person which means some people have a very visible widow’s peak while others will not have a very noticeable widow’s peak.

The phrase, “widow’s peak,” dates back to England in the 18th century. During this period in time, women who were new widows would sometimes wear a black hood in the shape of a triangle. In addition, the point of the hood would end in the center of the forehead of the person wearing the hood.

Widow’s Peak – Why Does it Happen?

The appearance and/or formation of a widow’s peak is caused by the genetics of a person. In other words, it is passed along through generations of a family as either a dominant or recessive gene. The appearance of a widow’s peak is a normal occurrence, and it does not mean that a person has a receding hairline. There are some people who are afraid that the appearance of a widow’s peak signifies the start of the balding process. However, this is not necessarily the case with the majority of patients.

Widow’s Peak and a Receding Hairline – Are They the Same Thing?

There is an argument to be made that a receding hairline can resemble the appearance of a widow’s peak, but the formation of a widow’s peak does not signify the beginning of baldness on the scalp of a person.

Here are some of the main differences between these two types of hairlines:

  • A widow’s peak is a permanent feature of the hairline. Unlike the occurrence of a receding hairline, people are generally born with a widow’s peak, and it will always be a feature of their hairline unless they have a procedure such as a hair transplant.
  • A receding hairline refers to the appearance of a hairline that has a prominent amount of thinning hair or hair loss. This type of hairline is often seen at the front of the scalp which is why people sometimes mistake it for a widow’s peak.

Widow’s Peak – Can it Be Eliminated?

Even though the appearance of a widow’s peak is a common occurrence, there are some people who wish to get rid of their widow’s peak by changing its appearance. This can be accomplished by undergoing a hair transplant.

A Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant is when hair grafts are transplanted into a targeted area on the scalp. During FUE, the hair grafts are normally taken from the donor area of the scalp which is usually considered to be the back and sides of the scalp. The hair in these areas has been shown to be resistant to balding so it will not act the same as the thinning or balding hair on the scalp. The hair grafts are also transplanted individually so patients do not need to worry about gaining a linear scar on the scalp.

Whether the widow’s peak formed naturally or due to genetic hair loss, a hair transplant can place hair follicles in the widow’s peak around the pointed center. The final result will give the hairline a straighter look that does not have the same appearance as the widow’s peak.

If a person with a widow’s peak does not want to make a change in their appearance with a hair transplant, they can also try a new hairstyle to make a change in its look and also lessen the appearance of the widow’s peak. For example, a buzz cut can make a big change in the appearance of a widow’s peak. While this might seem like an extreme solution, the process of cutting the hair very close to the head can hide the natural texture of the hair. In turn, this can make it hard for others to notice the appearance of a widow’s peak hairstyle.

There are also some people with a widow’s peak that use treatments such as electrolysis and laser hair removal to address the hairline. Electrolysis can remove individual hairs from the scalp using heat that prevents the hairs in the targeted area from growing at the same time. Laser hair removal uses a strong laser to destroy the individual hairs on the scalp at the follicle which can stop the hair from regrowing.

Patients who are interested in making changes to their widow’s peak can take the information above when they schedule a consultation appointment with a board-certified hair transplant surgeon. The doctor can examine the widow’s peak and share treatment options with the patient so the person will have a realistic idea about the changes that can be made to their individual widow’s peak.
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