Weird and Wacky Historical Hair Loss Solutions

The techniques available to combat hair loss have evolved over the years to where many people take the current methods for granted. It might be hard to believe but there were ways to combat hair loss before the 20th century. Have you ever heard of any of these weird ways people attempted to combat hair loss in the past?

Ancient Egyptians used a variety of cures to help those suffering from hair loss. One of the oddest remedies was a mixture of fats that included tomcat, crocodile, hippo, snake and an ibex AKA a wild goat. Porcupine hair was also boiled and then applied to the scalp for at least four days. Egyptians who were not fans of those ideas more than likely chose the option of wearing a wig.

While Hippocrates is known as the father of Western medicine, he also suffered from male pattern baldness. What was his answer to his baldness? A topical solution made of pigeon droppings, spices, opium, beetroot and horseradish.  His other cure for baldness was a little more radical as he realized that eunuchs were not lacking hair on top of their heads. There are no records of how many people choose the castration solution.

Julius Caesar might be the father of the comb over. Once he started losing his hair, he turned to growing his hair long in the back and then brushing it up and over his scalp. When this didn’t work, he turned to a remedy consisting of bear grease, mice and horse teeth. When that rather unappealing solution didn’t work, Caesar finally decided on wearing a laurel wreath on his head to cover his bald area.

The phrase “snake oil salesman” is used to describe someone who is not particularly trustworthy. The 19th century saw many salesmen pretending to be doctors while trying to sell potions and products to cure baldness. Most of these tonics were simply drinks made by the salesmen that had no medical value in treating baldness or any other ailments.

These crazy ideas to combat baldness are just a few of the methods used throughout history to battle hair loss. We’ve come a long way since the days of potions made from a combination of animals found in the great outdoors. We should all be glad that we live in a day and age where modern medicine is able to provide effective hair restoration solutions.
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