Vitamins for Hair Loss Treatment – Fact or Myth

I just read the result of a meta-analysis on CNN that indicates the inefficiency of multivitamins despite their wide use by most Americans in different age groups.

Losing hair? Do Vitamins work?This is also the question that I always get in my radio or TV talk shows on hair loss and hair restoration. Many people believe multivitamins could help stop their patterned hair loss. Even some doctors include Biotin (vitamin B1) or Zinc as one of their treatment options for patterned hair loss.

The fact about multivitamins is that none of those claims are documented by scientific studies. We know the causes of patterned baldness in men and women (androgenetic alopecia) and that is not due to vitamin insufficiency. I know it might be confusing when you see different types of vitamins that are made for nails and hair in the market. However, that still does not change the fact that patterned hair loss may require vitamins. If you are not suffering from malnutrition or malabsorption, you should have enough vitamins for your hair. Taking extra vitamins does not help your patterned baldness.

If you are not sure what is causing your hair loss, you can see a good hair specialist for a personal one on one consultation to evaluate your hair loss.
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