Update: Follow A Real Patient’s Hair Transplant Journey

If you’ve been reading our blog, or follow us on Instagram, you’ve probably met our wonderful patient, Dubi. He has made it his mission to share his entire hair transplant journey, showing everything involved, including recovery and daily progress via his Instagram account and personal blog (https://www.myhairjourneys.com/). In one of our recent blog posts, we documented his first consultation appointment, his hair transplant, and follow-up visit. Now, 250+ days after having his procedure, we are extremely happy to update our readers – Dubi’s hair is growing in great and he is looking amazing!

Just in case you haven’t met Dubi before, here’s a recap of his entire journey from day 1 to present!

December 14, 2017: Planning His Hairline

At his first appointment, Dr. Mohebi designed Dubi’s new hairline and performed a simultaneous extraction placement. Take a look at the video and photo highlights from this first appointment:

December 16, 2017: Immediate Post-Op

Dubi documented every step to educate people on the immediate recovery process from his hair transplant. Have a look below to see video from his follow-up appointment and photos documenting Dubi’s first days after having the procedure:

December 19 – Present: Daily Progress

After his procedure, Dubi had the brilliant idea to document his progress following his appointment daily. This is something that patients often ask us about, but we have not had the access to until now (thanks, Dubi!). Take a look below to see his progress over the months, and take a look at his Instagram to see every picture:

Day 2: December 19, 2017

Day 30: January 16, 2018

Day 60: February 17, 2017

Day 90: March 21, 2017

4 Months: April 20, 2018

Day 152: May 24, 2018

Day 248: August 27, 2018

What Dubi has done is truly amazing for anyone who is considering a hair transplant. He has taken all of the fear out of the equation by bringing light to every aspect of the hair transplant process. Thank you, Dubi, for your courage! We hope his courage to show his journey inspires others who want to get this procedure done, but have been scared to make the commitment to change their appearance.
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