Sausalito Hair Transplant

Being adjacent to San Francisco Bay means year-round cool, comfortable weather for residents of Sausalito. Its average high temperature in the middle of summer hovers around 70 degrees Fahrenheit; in winter, the average dips only a little, to around 55 degrees. Visitors arrive off the Golden Gate Bridge to stroll through its many parks, or perhaps do some fishing off its municipal pier. From just about any vantage point they are granted an incredible view of the bridge. They will also have easy access to myriad restaurants and coffee shops. Sausalito gives folks a good look at San Francisco without the big city frenzy that would normally be involved.

In the movie Star Trek IV:  The Voyage Home, actress Catherine Hicks pokes fun at Captain Kirk for “not being able to get yourself from Sausalito to San Francisco without a lift”. She might have cut him a break. It is about 11 miles across the bay, and the poor guy had very little pocket money, with no car. With that said, our Sausalito hair transplant patients seem to have no hesitation about crossing the famed bridge (what is it called again?) to get effective care from board-certified surgeons who use the most modern technology the field has on offer.

Quaint, Charming, And Full Of Stuff To Do

Coming from San Francisco, a trip over the bridge gets you here—or, if your leanings are a bit more nautical, take a ferry. The first thing you might notice is the houseboats. About 400 of them are docked at the north end of town. This is the Gates Co-op Houseboat Community. Some of the docks they use are marked private; others, however, are open to walk on. The boats you will find here have been architecturally refurbished from decommissioned material following WWII. Many are featured in magazines and films. A visit to Sausalito usually inspires fantasies—temporary ones at least—of becoming a member of this extremely unique community.

A bit more distant from shore is the hiking. In the Marin Headlands, for example, trails run everywhere, each providing a splendid view of the bay (as well as the Golden Gate Bridge, and San Francisco beyond). The headlands also feature a number of decommissioned military sites dating back to the Civil War. These sites are cut with bunkers and batteries and secret tunnels, put in place long ago, that once helped protect San Francisco from hostile ships. Today all the old military sites are open for civilian visitation.

Speaking of visitations, our office on the other side of the bay occupies an upscale neighborhood at the east end of Francisco Street. Parking is convenient, and once you are inside, a friendly, courteous staff is there to greet you.

If you have a consultation appointment, you will be shown to an office, where a doctor will conduct a microscopic scalp exam to determine the level of your hair loss and how much further it can be expected to progress. This latter part of the exam helps us to identify the best donor areas for your condition, should you choose to move forward with hair transplant surgery.

From here we formulate a plan, then schedule a surgery date. Depending on the level of your hair loss, surgery can take anywhere from 4 to 10 hours. It is performed under local anesthesia, and if necessary, a mild sedative. Our clinic utilizes both the follicular unit transplant and the follicular unit extraction methods of hair restoration procedures. The approach that is best for you is normally determined at the consultation.

Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration serves the entire San Francisco area with professional care in the field of hair transplant surgery. If you or someone you know suffers from thinning hair, and would like some answers as to what can be done about it, give our office a call at (415) 997-6126.
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