Male Patients and Hair Transplants – Why They Don’t Talk About the Procedure

There are thousands of men across the country who have made the decision to have a hair transplant. They are tired of the appearance of their thinning hair or balding areas on the scalp, so they turn to a hair transplant to gain a fuller and more youthful look to their hairline. However, those who are close to men who had the procedure might not know they had the surgery because many male patients simply do not talk about it with their family or friends. Here is a look at why thousands of men are having the procedure and not sharing that news with their loved ones and how being quiet about the surgery can have a negative impact on others.

Male Patients – Drawbacks of Not Discussing a Hair Transplant

One of the main drawbacks of male patients not talking about having a hair transplant is that it can make the process seem suspicious or mysterious. There have been many advances in hair restoration techniques in the past few decades, but some men do not know how the process works simply because they don’t know to ask coworkers, friends, or neighbors that might have had the procedure.

There is also the drawback of a person having a bad self-image or being ashamed of the appearance of their scalp. Hair transplant surgery does more than restore the hairline of a patient. It also makes a person feel younger and refreshed because of the rejuvenated appearance of the hairline. Patients are also likely to be more willing to talk about their procedure as they will want to share how they were able to attain a youthful look.

Men and Hair Transplants – Why They are Silent on the Matter

Men silent about hair restorationThe feeling of having a less than ideal appearance, and feeling bad about their appearance, can be traced back to the idea that men who are viewed as strong and vibrant are often pictured with a healthy head of hair. Plus, men are not supposed to be “high maintenance” to the point where they worry about their appearance.

There is also the old image of men not sharing their thoughts, feelings, or secrets. When it comes to their overall appearance, men have often been trained that they are not supposed to feel one way or another about their looks. However, they do care how they look and what others think about their appearance. Their confidence and self-image can lessen if they base their identity on their outward appearance. The loss of hair can cause men to question their self-worth and even cause them to become concerned that something is wrong with their appearance and the image they present to others. Simply put, some men feel they should have an appearance that is handsome and appealing to others without the need for surgical help.

Having said all that, it is important to give men who are experiencing hair loss an open space where they feel comfortable discussing their fears and concerns with others. It is important that they feel like they can ignore the cultural barriers they have experienced in the past such as the idea that men should not be concerned about their appearance as they do not want to be viewed as being insecure or vain.

The Medical Professionals Male Patients Turn to For Help with Their Hair

Instead of speaking openly about their feelings and concerns, men turn to experienced and board-certified hair transplant surgeons in order to make a change without others know they had a procedure. It is important for men to perform proper research to make sure the doctor they have in mind is experienced in providing natural, long-lasting results using the latest hair transplant techniques. They should also ask to see “before and after” photos of actual patients treated by the doctor they have in mind for their procedure.

A hair transplant is performed by the surgeon transferring donor hair from the body of the patient to the balding or thinning parts of the scalp. The donor hair usually comes from the back or sides of the scalp as the hair in this area of the scalp has proven to be resistant to the balding process. The hair is often removed using Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant since the hair grafts are removed individually and the technique does not leave a linear scar in the donor area.

Instead of ignoring the hair loss process, men should take steps to address it in order to retain a positive self-image and keep their self-confidence. There are times when patients try to ignore their hair loss because they feel the issue might just go away if they do not acknowledge it. Instead, men will have a more positive outlook and greater confidence in their appearance if they take action and consult with a surgeon. Plus, they often feel lighter mentally because they no longer have the daily worry and concern about the appearance of their scalp.

There is also value to others in being open and honest about having a hair transplant. The ability to chat with others and share their story can inspire other men who are experiencing hair loss to take action and seek out their treatment options. Male patients who admit to having a hair transplant can also help save others from feeling insecure about their looks as well as save them years of uncertainty about being able to make an improvement in the appearance of their hairline.