Joel McHale – Multiple Hair Transplants Revealed

The pressure to stay relevant in show business means that many Hollywood actors and actresses have cosmetic surgery procedures that turn back the clock on their appearance. One procedure that is popular among male celebrities is a hair transplant and this is true of actor Joel McHale, He is known for the TV shows “Community” and “The Soup” as well as hosting the game show “Card Sharks”.

Pressure to have Perfect Hollywood Hair

The hair on the head of a person is a source of great interest for many celebrity watchers. While the hair on female stars is often judged for its style and layers, male celebrities are often judged as looking youthful (or not) by the amount of hair they have on their head.

The need to have a healthy and full head of hair often means male celebrities turn to a hair transplant to get the look they desire. There are some hair restoration patients that do not want anyone to know they had any type of procedure while others talk about the changes they have made to their appearance. Joel McHale has been open about the fact that he had multiple hair transplant surgeries to gain his current hairline.

Joel McHale Battles his Insecurities

One of the aspects of the show “The Soup” that fans enjoyed was the way it equally made fun of people and events in pop culture. The show addressed the appearance of celebrities and often pointed out flaws or odd aspects about their look. McHale’s decision to focus on his appearance might come from his time on that show or it might be the result of pressure to stay youthful looking and relevant to the public. Whatever the motivation behind his desire to enhance his appearance, Joel McHale has discussed his feelings about taking care of his body. He told Metro Weekly that he is a regular at the gym. “I go in there thinking I’m in shape, and then I go in, and I’m like, ‘Ooh, I am not in shape. I need to work herder’”.

In addition to feeling insecure about his level of fitness, McHale also admits to having insecurities about the appearance of his hair. There has been a good amount of speculation about his hairline. He initially decided not to publicly address the gossip about his hair. However, this only resulted in more speculation and questions about his hair.

Joel McHale Discusses His Hair

After many years of avoiding questions about his hair, the actor finally decided to discuss the subject with the public. During a podcast with Justin Long, he admitted to undergoing three hair transplant surgeries.

McHale told Long that he would be “totally bald. We’re not all born with gorgeous thick hair like you.” Long asked the actor when he started to lose his hair and what made him decide to address the issue of his thinning hair.

McHale said, “Oh, 18, 19 [years old}…When I started The Soup, I look at some of the promo photos and I’m like, ‘Oh yeah.’ Maybe I’ve gone overboard and this really shows my midlife crisis but my theory is that I’m never going to die and it’s a good theory.”

He is happy with the results of his three hair transplant surgeries. He even started to brag about the results by saying, “look at my hair! The technology is bananas now. They pluck your hair and stick it here.”

McHale did advise those looking to have a hair transplant to take their time and make sure they pick the right surgeon for their procedure. He even discussed the topic of fixing the results of hair transplant surgeries with his doctor. “The guy who did mine, he’s like, ‘Oh, I spend a lot of time fixing crappy surgeries where they go to different countries and it’s a third of the cost.”

McHale seems to be happy with the results of his procedures. He even says, “I’m Joel McHale for hair transplants.”

Hair Transplant Option for Patients that Want to keep it Private

There are many patients that do not want to let others know they have undergone any type of hair transplant surgery. These patients might be ideal candidates for Celebrity Hair Transplant™ by Dr. Parsa Mohebi.

This innovative FUE hair transplant procedure is an outpatient surgery with little to detectability or downtime after the hair transplant. Patients can come into the procedure with long hair and they will not have to undergo any shaving or trimming of the donor or recipient areas. In fact, most patients can wear the same hairstyle when they arrive and when they depart our office.

Please note that this is a labor intensive hair transplant and only a limited number of grafts can be moved to the scalp during the surgery. It is ideal for patients that require a smaller number of grafts per session.

Patients interested in learning more about Celebrity Hair Transplant™ by Dr. Parsa Mohebi are invited to contact our office today to schedule a consultation appointment.
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