How to Prepare for FUT

Once you make the decision to undergo follicular unit transplantation (FUT), the next step is preparing for the procedure. Here are some steps to help you prepare for the procedure:

Two Months Before Procedure:

  • Do not cut your hair too short or even shave your head. Allow for 2 months (or more) of hair growth before having FUT to make sure you have a proper length of remaining hair in the donor area to be used to cover the strip area wound.

Two To Four Weeks Before Procedure:

  • You will perform a series of scalp exercises to increase the laxity of your scalp. A scalp that is not lax might have trouble with wound closure. Also, having a scalp with proper laxity reduces the feeling of tightness as well as improves the appearance of the donor scar. We’ve prepared a scalp exercise video to give you a better idea of how to properly achieve the necessary scalp laxity.

Five to Ten Days Before Procedure:

  • It is important that you discuss the upcoming procedure with your primary care doctor. If you have any medical conditions that are considered ongoing and require medication, you will need to stop taking them as they may thin your blood as well as increase the chances of bleeding during the procedure. For a list of medications you should stop taking, please consult our Before FUT Transplant Once you have met with your primary care doctor, fill out the paperwork sent to you by our office including your procedure consent form.

Three Days Before Procedure/Day Before Procedure:

  • You will need to stop smoking as least 3 days before the procedure as smoking can cause the blood vessels to constrict. In turn, this can result in a decreased blood flow to the scalp and impact the healing process. Also, avoid having any alcohol the day before your procedure as well as the actual day of the procedure.

Day of Procedure:

  • Dress comfortably by wearing clothes that zip-up in the front or button-down. Don’t wear clothes that needs to be removed over your head as you might accidentally dislodge the grafts while removing your clothes. Feel free to wash your hair before coming to our office but don’t use any hair products such as mousse, gel or conditioner. Finally, arrange for a ride home as you will likely be given sedatives during the procedure which will make you unable to drive. Don’t worry if you can’t get a ride home as we can help arrange a ride for you if necessary.
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