Hitting a Hair Transplant Home Run with Jose Canseco

Before and During Jose Canseco's Hair Transplant JourneyHair loss doesn’t discriminate when it comes to age or genetics. Anybody can suffer from hair loss whether they have a million dollars or live more modestly. The prospect of thinning hair can be especially hard for those used to living in the spotlight since much of their daily life is defined by their appearance.

We were recently contacted by one such celebrity, former MLB player Jose Canseco, who is used to being in the public eye. While his thinning hair has been progressing for some time, Canseco recently decided to take action about his hair loss.

One of the most important steps in the hair restoration process is the consultation appointment. This is the opportunity for the doctor and patient to chat one-on-one and discuss the patient’s expectations as well as if the expectations can realistically be achieved. In the case of Jose Canseco, he met with Dr. Mohebi for a consultation appointment that included a thorough physical and microscopic examination.

The physical examination is to ensure a person is healthy enough for a transplant surgery (not a problem with a former pro athlete like Jose Canseco!) and to go over a patient’s current and past medical history. A microscopic evaluation was also performed on Jose to determine the areas of the scalp where his active hair loss is occurring and to also predict where future hair loss will likely happen.

While some celebrities want to keep their hair transplant procedure a secret from the public, which can be accomplished with our Celebrity FUE Hair Transplant procedure, other celebs like Canseco are open to sharing their experience with others. The video below shows Jose during his consultation with Dr. Mohebi as they discussed his FUE hair transplant in order to determine the best option for him.

Hair Transplant Consultation

Once the game plan was made, it was time for his surgery. Much like a winning baseball team, our surgical team was made up of our best players in order to give Canseco the results he desired. The length of a hair transplant surgery varies depending on how many grafts a patient requires to achieve their results. Jose’s surgery went smoothly with no complications that caused us to go into extra innings (extra procedure time).

Hair Transplant Day

Jose came to see us the day after his transplant so we could show him how to do a proper hair wash following his surgery. Jose is thrilled with his results and looks young enough to take a photo for a new baseball card.

After Hair Transplant
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