Before FUE Hair Transplant

Once you make the final decision to undergo a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) procedure, there are a few easy steps you need to follow in order to prepare for your procedure.

Five to Ten Days before FUE:

  • Medical Issues Discussion – If you suffer from any ongoing medical conditions, please discuss your upcoming hair transplant procedure with your primary care doctor as soon as possible.
  • Medications – Once you are cleared for surgery by your primary care physician, hold off on taking any medications that may thin your blood and increase the chances of bleeding during surgery. Common medications held for this surgery include:
  1. Antiplatelet medications (Aspirin, Plavix and Pradaxa) due to an increased risk of bleeding during and after the procedure
  2. Anti-inflammatory medications (ibuprofen AKA Motrin or Advil and naproxen AKA Aleve)
  3. Anticoagulation medications (warfarin AKA Coumadin) and any newer anticoagulation medications such as Xarelto
  4. Some over-the-counter products also have a anticoagulation effect and they should be avoided before most surgical procedures (fish oil, vitamin E, Omega 3, St. Johns Wart, Gingko)

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    • Communicate with Our Office – Please let Dr. Mohebi know if you have any new medical conditions or if you have been taking any new medications since your initial consultation appointment with the doctor. This will help Dr. Mohebi choose medications during your hair restoration procedure that will not interact with your existing medications. If you are not sure about holding a specific medication, please call our office to ask about the medication.
    • Return your Medical Documents – Our office will email you the necessary documents you will need to fill out and sign prior to your procedure including the procedure consent form. Please read, sign and forward all of the pages via email at your earliest convenience. This will give you a head start on the day of your procedure.

    3 Days Before Hair TransplantThree Days before FUE:

    • Avoid alcohol – Do not consume alcohol the day before your surgery as well as the day of your procedure. Combining alcohol with the medication that is administered during surgery may result in an adverse reaction.
    • Stop smoking – If you smoke, it is advisable to stop smoking at least three to five days before your FUE procedure. Smoking causes the blood vessels to constrict and this decreases the blood flow to the scalp. In addition, you should also refrain from smoking for the first five days after your procedure.

    Two Days before FUE:

      • Scalp to Scalp – No special hair preparation steps are usually necessary before your FUE procedure. There are a variety of trimming or shaving for FUE procedures that can be performed by our team. The hair on your donor area might be completely or partially trimmed with a clipper to the length of 1mm on the day of the surgery. This short trim will allow for the best access as well as easy removal and placement of the grafts. We can trim the entire scalp which makes it easier to harvest and place the grafts. At your request, we can trim only the donor areas and leave the recipient area untouched. An alternative choice would be to trim the donor area in layers and this is called layer shaving. This option is only possible if you have long hair so the areas between the shaved bands can provide enough coverage to cover the shaved areas. Layer shaving is only possible if you have long hair on the donor areas. Please do not get a short haircut if you are considering this option. An alternative technique is a Celebrity FUE procedure where the surgeon doesn’t need to shave any areas of the scalp.

    • Beard to Scalp – Patients will receive a razor shave of the beard/upper neck two days before the procedure. Shaving two days prior to the procedure will allow the surgeon, on the day of the surgery, to better differentiate the hairs that are in the anagen stage (growth phase) vs. the hairs in the telogen (resting) phase. The hairs in the growth phase will grow in the two days to a length of approximately 1mm while those in the resting phase are somewhat dormant and will not grow at the same rate. Hair that is exhibiting growth will be harvested while hairs in the resting phase will not be harvested and will be left untouched.
    • Body to Scalp – Much the same as beard to scalp, patients are asked to razor shave the body areas within the donor sites two days prior to the procedure.
    • Scalp to Eyebrow – This is a small procedure and any necessary trimming will be done at the time of the surgery.
    • Celebrity FUE – This is a popular choice for patients that want to have FUE performed using a virtually undetectable method. There is no prior hair preparation involved as limited individual hair trimming is done during the procedure. You will need to keep your hair long and the hairs that are used in the transplant are trimmed one by one.

    Day of Procedure:

    • Dress Comfortably – It is important to be comfortable during surgery as the procedure many last anywhere from five to ten hours depending on the number of hair grafts. Wear a shirt that can easily be unbuttoned from the front. Avoid wearing shirts that will need to be pulled over your head in order to prevent the likelihood of contacting and dislodging the grafts.
    • Wash Your Hair – You should shower and wash your hair in the morning prior to arriving at our office. Use regular shampoo but do not apply products such as mousse, hairspray or gel to your hair the morning of your surgery.
    • No Breakfast – Do not eat after midnight. You can have clear liquids like water or apple juice but avoid drinking coffee or caffeinated beverages. These products will negate the relaxing effect of the sedatives given during your procedure. Our office will provide you with a mid-morning breakfast and an afternoon lunch.
    • Post-Op Arrangements – You will most likely receive sedatives when the procedure begins, as well as throughout the surgery, to help keep you relaxed. Please arrange for post-op transportation with a family member or friend as you will be unable to drive home due to the sedation used during your FUE procedure. As a courtesy to you, our office can help arrange a ride home for you (if needed).

    An FUE hair transplant is a skin level, non-invasive outpatient procedure. As with most procedures, it can be an overwhelming process for the patient. If you need more information, or are unclear about any of the above instructions, please call out office. Our trained Los Angeles hair transplant staff will be glad to assist you with any of your questions or concerns.
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