Hair Transplant Results – Are They Permanent?

As a person ages, the chance of hair loss occurring increases thanks to factors such as genetics, medical issues or some sort of accident or trauma to the scalp. While hair restoration is desired by many patients, there are some people that are unsure about the procedure. This causes them to delay making the final decision because they want more information about the type of results they can expect to see as well as the length of the results. Let’s clear up some of the confusion patients might have about hair transplant results by taking a closer look at the hair transplant process.

Are hair transplant temporary or permanent

Hair Transplants Examined and Explained

A hair transplant is the process of moving hair grafts from one area of the body to the sections of the scalp that are lacking in hair/balding. The hair grafts that are moved to the balding areas are usually taken from the donor area on the scalp (the back and sides of the scalp). If there are not enough high-quality hair grafts located in the donor area of the scalp, the hair can be taken from other parts of the body such as the beard or the chest.

The most popular hair transplant method is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). In this hair transplant technique, the hair grafts are removed individually from the scalp so they can be placed in the targeted area. The fact that the hair grafts are removed individually means there will not be a linear scar left on the scalp.

FYI: A linear scar on the scalp is the result of Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) where a strip of the scalp is removed in order to obtain the hair grafts that will be transplanted by the surgeon.

Hair Transplant Results – How long do They Last?

Once the hair follicles are placed in areas of the scalp where the hair is visibly thinning or balding, it can take about three months for the patient to begin to see any results from the procedure. In general, it can take anywhere from 12-18 months for the final results to be visible on the scalp of the patient.

The final results are natural in appearance and they also last a lifetime. One of the main reasons that the hair from the donor area of the scalp is used is because this hair is resistant to the balding process. Depending on the type of results desired by the patient, as well as the amount of available donor hair, it might take more than one session on the part of the doctor to achieve the appearance of the hairline desired by the patient.

People that have hair transplants should be aware that they might suffer from balding on other areas of the scalp that have not been treated using a hair transplant. An additional hair transplant would be needed in the future to address other areas of the scalp where thinning hair or balding areas are visible to the patient as well as to others that are viewing the head of the person.

When to Schedule a Consultation Appointment

hair transplant consultationThe first step in the hair transplant process is scheduling a consultation appointment with a board-certified surgeon that is experienced in performing hair transplants. The doctor will examine the scalp of the patient to determine the cause of the hair loss as well as explain the different options that the patient has when it comes to hair restoration.

Many patients are not sure about the best time to chat with a doctor about hair loss. Besides the obvious time of talking with a surgeon when the hair loss is obvious to the person as well as to the general public, patients should talk to a doctor when the hair loss is having a negative impact on their self-image. If a person is feeling self-conscious about the loss of hair on the scalp, a consultation appointment is a good opportunity to discuss the reasons behind the desire to restore the hair on the scalp.

If a person is not sure why the hair loss is happening, a complete and thorough examination of the scalp can be performed during the consultation appointment. The doctor will ask questions about the medical history of the patient to get a clear picture of the health of the person. Besides genetics, there are some medications and/or medical conditions that can cause a person to suffer from hair loss. It is important for a doctor to determine the reason for the hair loss before making a treatment plan to restore the hairline.

When planning to schedule a hair restoration consultation appointment, it is important for the patient to do proper research and find a doctor that is experienced in performing hair transplants. Since there are many different doctors that can perform hair transplants, patients should ask to see “before and after” photos of actual patients treated by the surgeon of choice.

By following the tips listed above, patients will be able to enjoy hair transplant results that are natural in appearance and will last a lifetime.