Hair Transplant Problems

Hi everyone,

I had a somewhat funny call to me the other day from a past patient of mine and wanted to share his experience with this blog. Although we, at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration, are known worldwide for our quality results and affordable prices, there are some downsides to the remarkable effects that your hair restoration may bring you without prior notice.

One of our patients called over to our office the other day laughing and telling our front desk receptionist that his passport photo looks NOTHING like him. He was traveling out of the country the following day when he had glanced at his photo and realized that the previously taken photo in no way resembled his current image. He called to request that I write a general letter confirming his procedure in the event that there were any discrepancies in his change of appearance.

We would like to apologize in advance for any unexpected changes in your appearance that may make you look years younger or like a different person following your hair transplant procedure. We are 100% proud of our patient results and happy to hear that if nothing else, these are the only few negative aspects of a hair transplantation with Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration. We thank our patient for the great laugh and hope that he made it through customs without a hitch!
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