Hair Transplant Doctor Los Angeles, CA

Hair Transplant Doctor in Los Angeles, CA

Hair Transplant Doctor Los Angeles, CA

Patients that undergo a hair transplant enjoy more than the restoration of their hairline and a full head of hair. They also enjoy a greater amount of self-confidence thanks to the healthy hair provided to them by an experienced hair transplant doctor in Los Angeles, CA.

The signs of hair loss, such as thinning hair or bald spots on the scalp, can give a patient the motivation they need to make a change in the appearance of their hair. Many patients visit a Los Angeles hair transplant doctor to try and reverse their hair loss and gain a rejuvenated look to the hairline.

Thanks to modern technology and advanced medical techniques, patients experiencing any stage of hair loss can enjoy the changes they desire to their hairline. Our team of Los Angeles hair restoration doctors are ready to meet with you and discuss your reasons for wanting to undergo a hair transplant. Keep reading the information below to learn more about the available hair restoration techniques that you can receive at the office of a hair transplant doctor Los Angeles, CA.

Hair Transplant – How it is Performed by a Los Angeles Hair Restoration Surgeon

 In general, there are two main options available to patients that want a hair transplant:

 Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is performed by a surgeon that removes hair grafts from the donor area of the scalp (normally located on the sides and back of the head). The hair restoration doctor than transplants the hair grafts to the areas on the scalp where the hair is thinning or balding. FUE hair restoration involves the individual removal of hair grafts so this technique is much less invasive than FUT hair restoration. Patients like Follicular Unit Extraction because it does not result in a visible scar on the scalp.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is performed when a surgeon cuts a skin strip from the scalp of the patient. This strip of skin is removed so the surgeon can easily transplant follicular units, in their natural grouping, into the areas of the scalp that are thin or balding. FUT patients need to know this Los Angeles hair restoration procedure will result in a noticeable scar that is located where the strip of skin was cut out of the scalp. The appearance of the scar might make it obvious to others that the patient had FUT surgery.

Common Questions About Hair Restoration

p>Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder what it would be like to once again have a full head of hair? If you are curious about different cosmetic options and procedures, you may be confused as to which is the right choice for you. A hair transplant doctor in Los Angeles, CA may be your best resource for information. Here are some common questions about hair restoration.

Does it hurt?

While everyone tolerates pain differently, most people who undergo hair transplant procedures do not feel sustained pain or discomfort. At Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration, we strive for the best patient experience possible. A local anesthetic is used and some patients may experience irritation at the injection site, and mild pain medication may be needed if there is any discomfort in the days following the procedure.

How long will it take to heal?

Most patients who visit a hair transplant doctor in Los Angeles, CA will fully heal in about two weeks. Some redness may be visible for a longer amount of time depending on your skin type. Your doctor can advise you on when you can wash your hair and when you can expect to see visible growth.

Why choose a transplant over a hairpiece?

Some people experiencing hair loss may opt to cover the appearance of thinning or balding with a hairpiece, but not all hairpieces are made the same. Choosing hair restoration surgery can give a more natural look and feel, and will not need to be maintained and replaced as often as a hairpiece.

Can hair restoration improve my life?

At Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration, we want our patients to live their lives to the fullest. Hair restoration clients often report an increase in confidence and self-esteem following the procedure. In addition, successful hair transplant procedures can offer convenience and the ability to participate in activities that may not be suitable for hairpiece users, such as swimming, wearing and removing hats or protective athletic gear without worry, taking amusement park rides, or enjoying a top-down drive along the coast.

Are hair transplants just for men?

While the process is different for men and women, hair restoration is not just for men! Women experiencing hair loss due to genetics, medication, or illness who are interested in restoration can call a hair transplant doctor in Los Angeles, CA to discuss the unique factors that they will need to consider and how the process works for women.

Contact Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration Los Angeles Today

At Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration Los Angeles, we understand that the loss of hair is more than just a change in the look of a person. It also changes the way a person views their appearance and can have a negative impact on their self-confidence.

Call our medical office for more in-depth information about what is involved in the hair transplant process. The first step in gaining the hairline you desire is scheduling a consultation appointment with our medical team. Our hair restoration doctors will perform a thorough examination of your scalp to determine the cause of your hair loss as well as the best hair transplant technique to restore your hairline. Contact Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration today and schedule your personal appointment with a hair transplant doctor Los Angeles, CA.

Hair Transplant Doctor Los Angeles, CA

For many people finding a hair transplant doctor in Los Angeles, CA can be a daunting task to handle. Finding a doctor shouldn’t be the hardest part in deciding to undergo a hair transplant. The hardest part should be making sure that you are happy with the end results. While many people are willing to travel from all over, some patients prefer to use the services of a local doctor. If you are one of those people then follow our tips to find the right surgeon for you. 

Tips to Find The Right Hair Transplant Doctor 

Here are some tips to help you find the right hair transplant doctor to handle your needs: 

  • Education: This isn’t just for hair transplant doctors. You should always ask your doctor about their medical background. This is because the proper training in dermatology and plastic surgery is not always sufficient to provide the desired results. Hair restoration has its own training and mentorship programs and you want someone who has gone through these programs for the most favorable results possible.

  • Certifications: Your doctor needs to be licensed in the state in which they practice medicine. They should be board-certified by the American Board of air Restoration Surgery or the Fellowship of the International Society of Hair Restoration. With both this means that the doctor practicing medicine has passed all tests and has proven they know what they are doing. 
  • Experience: It is important to make sure that your hair transplant doctor has enough experience to give you the results you want. You want someone who not only has years of experience, but also someone who keeps up with the most advanced hair restoration techniques. As the techniques are changing often, you want someone who has kept up to date with everything. If you must go with a newer doctor, then ask about who they are mentoring under or did mentor under. 
  • Hair Transplant Method: You want a doctor that knows how to do a variety of hair restoration techniques, rather than one who only does one. Your hair loss is going to be unique to you and while one technique may work best for someone else, you may need a different one. Be sure to ask questions to make sure the doctor understands what they are doing. 
  • Results: Always ask your doctor for before and after photos of previous patients. You want someone who can prove to you that they know what they are doing and it shows in their work. If they refuse to give them to you then, you should move on. The goal is to not know someone had a hair transplant. 
  • Word of Mouth: Who better to get reviews from than people who have gone through it? While not everyone wants to talk about it, there are those who do. You want to go to someone who has good results and has made a good rapport with those that they have worked on. If people are unhappy you will know. 

The Conditions Treated By Hair Transplant Procedures 

Losing your hair may arise due to genetic factors, stress, or traumatic injuries. These are only some of the possible causes of hair loss in both women and men. Hair loss may be temporary or it may be permanent. Hair implants and hair transplant surgery can both alleviate hair loss. 

Permanent hair loss may arise due to traumatic burns or other injuries that destroy the hair follicles on a patient’s body. Thyroid disease and hormonal imbalances are also likely to cause hair loss in women and men. Both young adults and older adults may suffer from hair loss due to these causes. 

Pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia, is another form of hair loss treated by hair transplant procedures. Also, alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that damages hair follicles. Hair transplant procedures can reverse the effects of these conditions. Every hair loss transplant patient can undergo treatment and obtain the appearance they desire. 

Hair transplant surgery may be performed by different procedures. Grafting, flap surgery, grafting, and tissue expansion are all forms of hair transplant surgery. 

Hair grafting is a common form of hair transplant surgery that is often performed for non-cosmetic reasons. A surgeon will remove small pieces of the scalp that contain healthy strands of hair with hair follicles. 

A physician may use a punch to remove a portion of skin containing approximately ten hair follicles. Formerly, these grafts were called “hair plugs” by laypersons. Sometimes patients receive micro-grafts and these contain only one or two hairs. 

Grafting requires several hours to perform. Many patients remain conscious during the grafting procedure and receive a local anesthetic for the scalp. A hair transplant doctor will determine how many procedures you may need to undergo before you see the results you expect. If you do receive multiple procedures you will have to wait several months between each procedure. You need to take this time to allow your scalp to heal. 

Scalp reduction is also known as alopecia reduction. A medical practitioner will remove a small piece of skin from the patient’s scalp. The loose skin is moved on top of the scalp’s bald area. Stitches are used to hold the skin in place. 

Most patients have bald areas on the back or top of the head. Most of these bald patches are surrounded with hair. Hair implants may be used together with scalp reduction to achieve optimum results. Patients undergoing scalp reduction do not need to be put under general anesthesia. The majority of patients receive local anesthesia applied to the scalp.
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