Hair Transplant Benefits – Info Revealed

The appearance of hair loss on the scalp can impact the look and self-image of a person. The most successful and long-lasting way to restore hair on the scalp is to undergo a hair transplant. During this procedure, a surgeon takes hair grafts from elsewhere on the body and transplants them into the balding or thinning areas of the scalp. The hair grafts usually come from the donor area on the back and sides of the scalp, but they can also come from the beard or the chest of the patient. Once the hair grafts are placed in the targeted areas on the scalp, the hair will begin to grow and give patients a fuller and thicker head of hair. In addition to a fuller look to the hair on the head, there are additional benefits that can be enjoyed after undergoing a hair transplant.

Hair Transplants Benefits – What Patients Need to Know

One of the first benefits patients will notice is an improvement in the appearance of the hairline on the scalp. In addition to giving a person a fuller head of hair, the appearance of the transplanted hair will not happen overnight which means the hair will grow back at a rate where the final appearance will have a natural look. The fact that the person had a hair transplant will not be able to be detected by the average eye. Thanks to the advancements in hair transplant technology, many patients can enjoy the same look to the scalp and hairline as they had before a balding appearance started to become noticeable on their scalp.  In addition, the growth of hair on the scalp will give a patient a feeling of having an improved and rejuvenated look to the scalp.

The amount of confidence felt by a person will also increase thanks to the fuller head of hair. If a person is experiencing balding on the scalp, they will often wear a hat in order to hide the balding areas on the head from the public. Thankfully, a hair transplant technique such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is able to give the scalp a fuller head of hair by filling in the areas of the scalp that are balding. A healthy and full head of hair can grow the self-confidence of a person and also give a patient a better self-image.

Before and after hair transplant

One of the common concerns related to any type of surgical procedure is the possibility of side effects after the surgery. There are some common conditions that occur after a hair transplant, and they include swelling, bruising, and some temporary pinkish discoloration in the treated area of the scalp. These conditions are temporary, and they will resolve on their own and fade as time passes after the surgical procedure. When it comes to hair transplant side effects, there are not really any side effects patients need to worry about following the treatment. If there is any type of sharp or lingering pain in the days immediately after the procedure, this can normally be handled with mild painkillers prescribed by the surgeon.

The main benefits of a hair transplant can best be described as saving patients money and giving them results that last a lifetime. Even though medications such as minoxidil and finasteride can stimulate the growth of hair on the scalp, the results from these hair restoration options are not permanent. Once a person stops using minoxidil or finasteride on a regular basis, the patient will eventually begin to lose the results they have gained on the scalp. Once these results are lost, the original appearance of the hairline will return to the scalp. On the other hand, the results of a hair transplant are permanent which means the patient will enjoy results that last a lifetime.

While a hair transplant might seem like a large investment of money to address the appearance of the hairline, it will actually save money in the long run since the results from the procedure are permanent. The use of minoxidil and finasteride needs to be ongoing to maintain the results which means a person must keep spending money on the product on a regular basis in order to maintain the results. This will need to be part of their monthly budget instead of making a one-time payment for the surgical procedure. Yes, the payment for a hair transplant can be a large expense but this is helpful for the long-term budget as the payment is made and finished. Since the results of a hair transplant last a lifetime, there is no need for monthly payments for medications to maintain the results.

How to Gain the Benefits of a Hair Transplant

Patients who are interested in enjoying the benefits that can be gained for a lifetime from a hair transplant should take the first step of scheduling a consultation appointment with a hair transplant surgeon. An experienced and board-certified hair transplant surgeon will examine the scalp of the patient to determine the reason for the hair loss as well as the best hair transplant technique to address the hair loss. The doctor will also discuss the desired results with the patient and set realistic expectations so the person will have a better idea of the type of results they will enjoy after the surgery.