Hair Restoration Patient Uses Social Media To Declare His Great Results


hair restoration story shared on facebook

Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration sees hundreds of Hair loss patients each year. Many people find seeking treatments for hairloss to be embarrasing and prefer to keep them confidential. Every now and again there are individuals who are confident in overcoming any social taboo’s about hair replacement, and let others know about their new found joy and are excited to share how their lives changed because of new hair growth.

before and after hair restoration

Recently, one such patient shared his new more youthful look with the world and was happy to let us know of his actions. We are pleased whenever we get to share our art and science of hair transplantation, but when an individual goes out of their way to do something we never asked or imagined, we take pride in knowing we changed someone’s life. We want to say “Thank You” to this individual for:

Allowing us the opportunity to make a difference in his life
Letting others know there is a solution for balding!


Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration always appreciates when individuals spend time on their own to let others know about their satisfied results, and we are happy to share them with others. We encourage our patients not to feel ashamed about recieving a hair transplant, but rather accept the fact of baldness being a reality for many which today has natural, lifelong alternatives. People always feel better when having a solution to any common problem, and we are happy to be available as one of those solutions!
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