A Hair Raising Situation for the Donald?

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A lot has changed for Donald Trump since this article was first published. At the time, he was trying to become the President of the United States against a candidate, Hillary Clinton, who was favored by many to win the election.

One thing that has not changed over time is the fascination that the public has with the appearance of the hair of Donald Trump. The speculation about whether or not his hair is real has been a topic of interest throughout his public life. Back in 2015, his hair might have been a bigger topic of conversation than his projected policies and ideas about the best ways to run the government.

As we said back in 2015:

There are two things Donald Trump is best known for these days.  He is currently running for the office of the President of the United States.  He is also well known for his hairstyle.

Donald Trump Hairstyle Speculation

There are many who believe that Donald Trump is the victim of a plug surgery that did not go as planned years ago. During a “plug hair transplant” surgery, an area located in the back of the head was shaved as well as numbed. A punch tool, between 2-5-mm in diameter, was then used to “punch out” hair bearing skin in round groupings. A punch was also used to remove pieces of bald skin from the recipient area on the scalp. The round hair grafts were then “plugged” into the holes in the balding area.

Possible Reasons Donald Trump has kept the Same Hairstyle

Many “hair conspiracy” believers think Trump does not have an adequate donor supply to be able to undergo pluggy hair transplant repair. They also believe this is reason he has maintained the same hairstyle for so many years.

If the theory about an earlier plug hair transplant is true, there are multiple reasons that he (as well as others in his situation) has not undergone a hair transplant repair procedure:

  • He is Unaware that Help is Available – The hair restoration procedure that caused his pluggy appearance was performed many years ago.  Mr. Trump might be unaware of the latest advances in hair repairs that can make his appearance look more natural
  • He Might be Traumatized – After undergoing his first unsuccessful hair transplant procedure, Trump might simply be unwilling to give it another try.  The trauma caused by the older procedure might still be fresh in his memory.
  • Lack of Quality Donor Hair – Without enough donor hair to help fill-in the balding area, doctors might have trouble in their mission of making Trump’s hair achieve a more natural appearance.  This situation can be helped with a beard to scalp hair transplant.

If you’ve had a hair transplant in the past and have been unhappy with your final results, advances in hair transplant repair techniques can likely help you achieve the results you longed for in the past.  Contact our experienced, skilled, board-certified medical doctors in order to learn more about the hair transplant revision options available to you.

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