Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration is Now Open in San Diego!

While it might be obvious to say, no one really wants to go bald which means they can turn to a hair transplant doctor in San Diego, California for their hair restoration needs.

If you want to gain a long-lasting hairline that is healthy and natural in appearance, a San Diego hair transplant is the most medically advanced hair restoration option. In addition, you can choose between FUE and FUT hair restoration surgery. While you will need to perform more research about each technique, we will give you a quick overview of how they are performed and what you can expect during the recovery period.

FUE or FUT San Diego Hair Transplants

san diego hair transplant office
Our San Diego Hair Transplant Facility is located at 4510 Executive Dr., Ste 210, San Diego, CA 92121

While both of these hair restoration procedures have the same goal in mind for patients, they are not performed in the same way.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is the removal and transplantation of individual hair follicles from the body of the patient. The hair follicles are then implanted into premade incisions in the scalp of the patient. It is also a much less invasive treatment that FUT surgery.

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) is when a surgeon makes an incision and removes a strip of skin from the scalp and then transplants the follicular units in their natural grouping into the targeted area of the scalp. This technique is an ideal choice for patients who are experiencing an advanced level of baldness.

No matter the technique performed by the San Diego hair transplant surgeon, there will be a recovery period after the procedure. The extent of the recovery period depends on the technique performed by the surgeon and the extent of the work during the procedure. Your hair transplant doctor in San Diego, CA, will explain the recovery period to you in advance of the surgery.

The FUE recovery period is the faster of the two and it can result in the formation of tiny scars on the scalp where the hair follicles were removed. Thankfully, these tiny scars are not very noticeable, and they can fade over time. There might be some bruising and swelling but these conditions will resolve on their own. You need to avoid any type of strenuous exercise for a week after the surgery. Use gentle shampoo for a few weeks and also follow the post-op instructions provided by the doctor.

The FUT recovery period takes longer because the surgeon removes a strip of skin from the scalp and then transplants the hair follicles. FUT can also leave a scar where the strip of skin was removed by the surgeon. The scar might not be noticeable if you want to wear your hair longer, but it can likely be seen if you have a short haircut.

San Diego Hair Transplant – Are You an Ideal Candidate?

The age of a hair transplant patient varies by the individual needs of the patient. In general, patients are in their forties or above as they have likely started to see a hair loss progression as time has passed.

If a person is younger, the progression of hair loss will generally be more subtle in appearance. Plus, the hair loss might just be starting which means a hair transplant might not be the best option at this time.

Each patient has individual needs and specific circumstances when it comes to their hair transplant. This is why the first step in the hair restoration process is scheduling a consultation appointment with a hair transplant doctor in San Diego, CA, at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration. Dr. Mohebi will examine the scalp to determine the reason for the hair loss and the extent of the thinning or balding hair on the scalp. He will also let you know if you are a suitable patient for the procedure and the type of results you can expect to enjoy.

Hair Loss – What Causes it to Happen?

Hair loss can be caused by a variety of reasons and the amount of hair loss can range from minimal to significant. In some cases, hair loss or pattern baldness can be heredity which means it is passed down from previous generations. Hair loss can also be caused by certain medications, steroids, hairstyles, and treatments such as radiation therapy. In order to fully understand the cause of your hair loss, you will need to speak with a San Diego, California, hair transplant doctor who can diagnose the reason for balding or thinning hair. Once the doctor determines the reason this is happening, they can review your hair restoration options with you including a hair transplant. Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration can help you get the hairline you desire and also increase your self-confidence.

Contact our San Diego office today for more information.

Hair Transplants – Both Men and Women Can be Patients

While hair transplants are often considered to be a treatment for male patients, the surgery can be successfully performed on both male and female patients. The final results improve the aesthetics of the scalp, and they last a lifetime.

It is important to remember that hair loss affects both women and men and female patients can also enjoy an increase in their self-confidence and an improvement in their self-image. Both male and female patients should consult with their board-certified and experienced San Diego, CA, hair transplant doctor from Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration to assess whether or not they are an ideal candidate for FUE or FUT. Once our doctor determines that you are an ideal candidate, we can start the process of scheduling your procedure.

Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration – Get in Touch Today

We invite you to contact the Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration office about your desired hair transplant. FUE and FUT hair restoration treatments improve the look of balding or thinning hair so take the first step towards an improved hairline when you contact a hair transplant doctor in San Diego, California.