Did Assyrians Find the Grand Elixir of Baldness 2,600 Years Ago?

One of the most dreaded aspects of getting older for many men is the realization that they may be losing their hair. And over the past several decades, there has been an increased interest in finding ways to combat hair loss with various treatments, medications, and surgical procedures. However, late last year, The Times reported on a recent discovery by archeologists that suggests that hair loss has been something men have been looking to cure for thousands of years.

These archeologists discovered a collection of clay tablets made by the physicians of an Assyrian King over 2600 years ago. They are currently residing in the British Museum and have been pieced together and translated to reveal what is now thought to be “the world’s first encyclopedia for medicine.” These tablets consist of a compilation of various medical secrets of the time, from how to treat head lice, toothaches, and stomach aches, and yes – even how to cure hair loss.

What Did the Remedy to Baldness Entail?

Hair Loss CureAccording to the tablets, the treatment involved covering one’s head with pulverized watercress and wrapping it in a bandage for four days. On the fourth day, the bandage was removed and the head was shaved and then washed with alkali, a chemical compound, before being anointed repeatedly with oil. This was then followed up by yet another three days of anointing the scalp with cypress oil and crushed cedar, and… Voila! The patient was then cured of their hair loss.

Oh, if only it were that easy.

You don’t need to be a scientist or a hair loss specialist to know that this likely didn’t work then, nor would it work now. But even in modern times, we are still just as eager to cure ourselves of male pattern baldness that we, too, are susceptible to believing in all sorts of non-scientific remedies for hair loss, just like our ancient ancestors did.

Falling for False Claims

The current market is full of many different products that promise to not only stop men from going bald, but also claim to help them regrow the hair that they’ve already lost. There are serums and supplements and special shampoos that many men purchase in a desperate attempt to regain the hair they once had, and to hold on to the hair they still have for as long as possible.

But just like the ancient remedies discovered on the aforementioned tablets, none of these treatments hold any water when it comes to scientific research.

The Scientific Approach to Treating Hair Loss

As detailed in this post, the only scientifically proven treatments to slow down male pattern baldness are finasteride (Propecia) and minoxidil (Rogaine). While they work in different ways, the effectiveness of both of these treatments is well documented by years of research. Studies show that both of these treatments can not only slow down hair loss, but can potentially restore hair loss to a degree in some cases as well. They are best used as preventative measures to slow down hair loss before it progresses too far, and it’s important to remember that neither of them claim to be a cure. If you’re suffering from hair loss, it’s likely that one or both of these treatments could be valuable additions to your hair care regimen.

Hair Transplant Procedures Reign Supreme

As great as these two treatments are in slowing down hair loss, the best and most reliable way to restore one’s hair is through a hair transplant procedure. We’ve come a long way since the days of unsightly hair plugs and scalp reduction procedures, and in the hands of a qualified surgeon, a hair transplant procedure can result in restoring one’s hair to such a degree that their hair loss will be completely undetectable.

You can schedule a consultation with a hair transplant surgeon to see if you’re a good candidate for a hair transplant, as well as get their recommendation for you on the use of finasteride and/or minoxidil.

If you’re one of the millions of people suffering from hair loss, perhaps you’ll find solace in knowing that there are more legitimate treatments now than ever before, and I’m sure our ancestors would be thrilled to know we’re now able to achieve what they so desperately wanted. https://melbournevascular.com.au/info/bandarqq/index.html https://melbournevascular.com.au/info/dominoqq/index.html https://melbournevascular.com.au/info/pkv-games/index.html https://learnerservices.baou.edu.in/CSMS/bandarqq/ https://learnerservices.baou.edu.in/CSMS/pkv-games/ https://learnerservices.baou.edu.in/CSMS/dominoqq/ https://bahananews.id/wp-includes/dominoqq/ https://bahananews.id/wp-includes/pkv-games/ https://bahananews.id/wp-includes/bandarqq/ https://awasi.id/assets/pkv-games/ https://awasi.id/assets/dominoqq/ https://awasi.id/assets/bandarqq/ https://www.toque.com.ar/info/pkv-games/ https://www.toque.com.ar/info/dominoqq/ https://www.toque.com.ar/info/bandarqq/