Follow A Real Patient’s Hair Transplant Journey

Meet our patient, Dubi. He recently travelled all the way from Israel to our office to have his hair transplant completed by Dr. Mohebi. As part of his experience, he has decided to document and share with everyone his entire hair transplant journey. From arranging Uber rides to office office to post-transplant hair washing (and everything in between), Dubi is including every aspect of the hair transplant recovery process in his daily Instagram posting. He is now only 11 days into his journey and showing off his progress and recovery from the surgery. Here are some highlights from the process so far:

First Appointment & Hair Transplant

At his first appointment, Dr. Mohebi designed Dubi’s new hairline and performed a simultaneous extraction placement.

Next-Day Follow-Up Appointment & Recovery:

For anyone curious about the recovery process after getting a hair transplant, this is a great opportunity to see the healing process on a daily basis. Here is a video of Dubi the day after having the procedure:

For more updates on Dubi’s hair transplant journey follow him here on Instagram and stay tuned for his blog!
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