After Scalp Micropigmentation

SMP, aka trichopigmentation is a cosmetic procedure that effectively creates the appearance of having more hair or even a full head of hair. It involves very minimal discomfort or downtime after the procedure and is well tolerated by patients who have the procedure. Once the procedure is complete, the patient will have the appearance of a fuller, and thicker, head of hair or the appearance of a closely shaved head. If a patient experiences any kind of pigment fading, or they decide they want a different pigment shade, they can always get a touch-up procedure.

You need to know what to expect after an SMP procedure and also follow certain instructions after your procedure for the best results.

Treatment Day:

  • Do not clean or wash your scalp after the procedure

First Day After SMP:

  • Gently clean the treated area with baby shampoo and water
  • Minimal itching and redness may occur which will resolve without treatment within a few days
  • Do not apply any creams, lotions, oils or solutions (including minoxidil) to the scalp for one week after the SMP procedure

First Week After SMP:

  • Avoid swimming in pools or salt water/the ocean as contact with chlorine or salted water may alter the results
  • Avoid activities associated with excessive sweating i.e. hot yoga, hot tubs, saunas and steam rooms as excessive sweating may alter results
  • Refrain from extreme sport activities
  • Avoid application of alcohol-based products i.e. minoxidil, hair sprays, styling gels/mouse and spray sunblock
  • Avoid coloring your hair
  • Avoid prolonged usage of protective sport helmets
  • Protect scalp from excess sun exposure with sunblock or a hat

Following Years After SMP:

  • No particular care is needed following the first week and patients can do all physical activities with no restrictions.
  • The SMP procedure implants dermal pigments on the very superficial layer of skin and that is why its result is reversible. That means over time, and with turnover of the scalp skin cells, SMP may become lighter in color. As the older superficial layers of skin are replaced with the newer ones, pigments will shed as well. That is the reason for any lightening of Scalp Micropigmentation color after the first year. It is recommended to get a touch-up procedure every year to keep the color consistent and also to keep it looking completely natural at all times.